Digital cinema in China: unstoppable take-off
Si hay un mercado para el cine digital que está resultando imparable, ése es el chino. Empresas como Barco han vendido en lo que va de año más de 1.300 proyectores frente a poco más de 200 instalados en su conjunto hasta inicios de 2009.
Of the 1.500 proyectores que una empresa como Barco ha suministrado a China, more than 1.300 corresponden a ventas de 2009. Éstas cifras dan una idea del despegue que el cine digital está viviendo en el país asiático. Entre los grupos chinos que más están apostando por la tecnología digital sobresalen China Film Group, Stellar Megamedia y Heng Dian, empresas que en 2009 han instalado plataformas DMD de Barco que van desde los 0,98 a las 1,2”.
Importantes proyectos En el caso de China Film Group/TA Digital Cinema Development, One of the most important players in the sector and the only importer of foreign films, has installed 150 projectors Barco DP 2000 and 20 Dp 3000. By Stellar Megamedia Group, The largest private company in the sector with thirty subsidiaries involved in the construction of new rooms, Channel management and content production,… orders to Barco have meant a hundred DP projectors 1200, 2000 and 3000. Heng Dian Film Entertainment, Chinese company focused on the production of television series and investment in production has also acquired a hundred of the same models referred to above. Sichuan Pacific Cinema, powered by Sichuan Provincial Cinema Company and China Film Group Corporation, has bought Barco sixty DP 2000, while Beijing ZuoAnFeng Cinema Investment Management, Specializes in luxury rooms in the capital, has invested in fifty projectors of the same model. Fifty other DP projects 2000 has sold Barco to Guangdong Film and many other DP1200 and 2000 have been with Xiaoxiang Film Group. These figures come to show that in digital cinema, As in many other magnitudes in this country, in China everything is done in a big way…
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