Scientists at Toyohashi University of Technology, in Japan, have created a robot that allows to achieve some experience of melee telepresence for use in teleconferences.

Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) has developed a robot that allows to transmit to the user the movements of his body remotely. With a special belt and using the body as a controller, the robot can be directed remotely.

Flexible sensors on the belt detect the direction and angle of the user's movement, allowing the robot to react and move in that direction. A laser scanner detects obstacles in the robot's field of view and sends its location to the user with sensors vibrating in its belt.

Thanks to special glasses you also receive images of what the robot sees, in a range of equal to or greater coverage than human sight, doing so literally the person is stuck in the robot's body. The camera the robot has is stereoscopic, so we can accurately perceive the depth of the image we see of the robot thanks to the glasses.

Undoubtedly, this marks an excellent advance in telepresence, puesto que lo logrado en la Universidad Tecnológica de Toyohashi abrirá las puertas a nuevas ideas que acelerarán el desarrollo de esta tecnología.Se planea usar el robot en teleconferencias y para practicar deportes remotamente.

New telepresence robot

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by • 9 Dec, 2011
• section: Telepresence / videoconference