The agency specialized in point of sale Kilika has created in the Corporate Innovation Center of Telefónica, in the tables (Madrid), the Customer Xperience, A new demonstration space where it shows a new vision of customer service spaces in areas such as department stores and retail, Hotels and restaurants.

Customer Xperience is a new demonstration space of the Corporate Innovation Center of Telephone, located in its facilities in Las Tablas (Madrid), An innovative space to share technology, stimulate the visitor and show Telefónica's specific solutions for specific profiles of companies operating in sectors such as retail, Hotels, restaurants, Etc. Solutions built from and by ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) that improve the management of spaces, customer satisfaction, Identifying shopper behavior, Service efficiency, Etc. And where interaction becomes a process endowed with intelligence as in the moments of entry and welcome, payment, Queues and waits, advice, Back-office, Virtual Shopping...

Kilika, agency specialized in Retail Brandin, is responsible – working closely with the client- to design and implement this new demonstration center space. A new word has been coined to define this innovative concept of brand experiences: Follow-you Store. It is the new space of the brand where the environment (Environment), The context, varies and adapts (Go on, follow) to the personality and profile of each client who visits it, in such a way that at the time of the consultation the benefits of Telefónica's ICTs are particularized (Customize) to the needs, problems and visual-spatial language of a specific client.

Follow-you Store is added to the different existing brand formats: Flagship Store (The big flagship store of a brand), Store (The Standard Store), Shop in Shops and Corners (of small dimensions located in large commercial areas), Pop Up Stores (Ephemeral stores), in addition to the different actions that exist on the Linear. But it does so with a great peculiarity, Conceiving the physical point of the brand from multimedia technologies and connectivity.

The challenge posed by Telefónica became greater when the available space did not exceed 40 m2. Teniendo espacio es muy fácil generar un recorrido comercial donde se suceden diferentes escenografías o contextos para públicos diversos. In the particular case of Telefónica, The same space is transformed through multiple projections, on perimeter of walls, in a coordinated way, and whose theme is based on images and acting events that are part of the vocabulary, Culture and activity of the client company.

A space for innovation

Customer Xperience enables complete "scripting" of the customer visit, Centralized control of it, Minimum sales staff or consultants. And it uses all media and devices to offer innovative and extremely easy-to-use payment methods for customers. I mean, a "technologized" space to present its technological solutions to Telefónica customers. La nueva propuesta de servicios de Telefónica incluye las herramientas más innovadoras para ofrecer a los clientes de estos sectores una experiencia nueva y diferente en los espacios de atención y venta, and to transform the processes and activities in them, Stepping up your efficiency and productivity.

The Customer Xperience room, with a design based on a complex multimedia system, allows visitors (enterprises, and public administrations) feel in their own professional scenarios (A large surface area, in a fashion store, in a hotel or restaurant). The Customer Xperience visitor can meet and experience 21 nuevos servicios con capacidad de influencia en todos los procesos y espacios que relacionan al comercio con el cliente: Shopping area or safari, Waiting area, zona back-office y tienda online/offline en función d e las actividades que prevean para sus clientes finales.

Los servicios se agrupan en áreas como:

· Dynamic Marketing: todas aquellas herramientas multimedia e hipermedia de impacto en escaparatismo (powered by Kinect), Visual channels, Interactive channels with touch screens. In addition, systems of audience measurements of the channels are exposed., vital to design dynamic marketing campaigns in spaces. Telefónica presenta también soluciones para modular la congestión de un espacio y/o determinar el éxito de su comunicación por zonas y gestionar turnos con la mínima molestia para los compradores.

· Mobile Applications. Personal Shopper, that combines personal advice to clients and online consultations. Soluciones de movilidad de atención y fidelización de cliente con la mínima inversión de tiempo y molestias para los clientes. Employees equipped with mobile applications (Smartphone, tablet) that allow immediate and centralized stock management. Aplicaciones móviles que agilizan el proceso de entrega de pedidos a los clientes finales. Cuadro de Mando para seguimiento de las ventas, and other processes within the spaces served, and, At last, Geolocation and Augmented Reality.

· New developments in Payment platforms; How can be the virtualization platform of the points of sale, applications for payment on Tablet, Digital ticket issuance, Discount coupon management, among others.

In addition, Companies can experiment with solutions that allow both to increase resource efficiency, como procurar la mejora de los procesos. Algunos ejemplos los encontramos en la solución de Inmótica y Eficiencia Energética que permite, from a single point, control of electricity consumption, providing reductions in consumption of up to 20%, y de las emisiones de CO2. Otros ejemplo los encontramos en la Gestión de Escaparates 3D, For those companies that have a large number of stores.

Telefónica also shows in this space an innovation project called PeopleFlow, basado en el concepto del ‘BigData’, to enhance Business Intelligence, that collects and analyzes data such as transit by geographical areas, The occupation of spaces, Time slots of population movements very relevant for decision-making in certain business sectors.

A new scenario for a new consumer

The sectors targeted by these new services are in full transformative revolution. La conectividad y la proliferación de dispositivos móviles han precipitado nuevos comportamientos en los consumidores como personalización e inmediatez. This is a hyper-connected consumer, than from their PCs, Mobile phones and tablets live in screen culture, from where it is reported, purchase, Receive discount coupons, or share with your social network.

For its part, el propio comercio minorista o de gran superficie busca mejorar la experiencia de sus clientes en sus espacios físicos multicanal, I mean, Mixed spaces where the advantages of e-commerce and face-to-face commerce that offer 'exclusive experiences' coexist’ to the consumer. It also seeks to transform the role of salespeople, que pasan a ejercer como prescriptores y no como meros expendedores.

Innovative vision of how a consumer's experience develops

onthespot, the content company of Telefónica Digital specialized in activation of the point of sale, has implemented its comprehensive dynamic marketing solution in this demo room. This solution allows you to manage the broadcast of content on different screens, Design and produce all audiovisual content to activate the point of sale.

Inside the new space the visitor finds digital communication channels based on Dynamic Flash templates, that allow updating the information in an agile and simple way; Interactive catalogs that make it easy to sell and help customers find what they're looking for; Piped music to set the spaces, thus reinforcing the brand image and helping to create an emotional bond with the client; or promotional phrases to communicate offers, reinforcing and complementing the rest of the communication in the store.

In addition, It has value-added tools such as a people account and an audience meter, that provide very useful information for decision making. In addition, Being integrated into the same dynamic marketing platform allows you to synchronize actions based on the number of people in the establishment, or the people who are looking at each screen.

OntheSpot has collaborated with Tedesys, start-up of Telefónica Digital's Wayra initiative to integrate interactive solutions that capture attention with screens in the shop window with which the customer can interact and motivate their entry to the store. Tedesys has developed an interactive showcase based on Kinect technology that allows customers of large surfaces, Hotels, Restaurants and retail Access content naturally. The system developed by Tedesys provides an innovative tool not only for the end customer, but also for this type of business since they can manage the contents displayed in the system through a web platform accessible from any device and obtain statistics on the most visited products, Number of users accessing the premises.



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by • 1 Oct, 2012
• section: Case studies, Digital signage, display, Infrastructure, projection, simulation