La empresa OKI, especializada en las soluciones de impresión profesionales, participará en Hostelco 2012, Salón Internacional del Equipamiento para la Restauración, Hotelería y Colectividades, donde presentará su nuevo terminal para el punto de venta (POS) OKIPOS S2, un equipo industrial con pantalla táctil de 15 Inch, resistente a los golpes y con seis entradas USB.

OKI, Company focused on the development and commercialization of professional printing solutions, estará presente en la feria de hostelería Hostelco, to be held from the 17 to the 21 October in Barcelona. OKI contará en el recinto Gran Vía de Fira de Barcelona con un stand de 77 m2 (pabellón P3, stand 284) en el que expondrá todas sus soluciones orientadas al punto de venta, touch terminals, software y equipos de impresión.

Entre las novedades destaca el nuevo terminal de punto de venta táctil OKIPOS S2, que integra el software OKIPOS. It is an industrial equipment so, both the motherboard and the rest of the equipment materials, have been designed to offer perfect operation at all times, even under harsh environmental conditions: 15" touchscreen is shock and splash resistant. In addition, OKIPOS S2 lacks fans, thus reducing the noise level to a minimum.

It also incorporates six USB inputs, two sides and four bottoms for quick connection to keyboards and other peripherals. As a complement, It has several accessories that can be purchased separately, such as a client viewer, a magnetic stripe reader and a wall mount that allows the equipment to be hung, what makes OKIPOS S2 the perfect device for any type of business.

Clever design allows cables to be completely hidden once they are in place and plugged in, Introducing them through the base of the team, adjusting and screwing your protection. In this way, Cables are completely out of sight and reach of anyone, thus providing greater safety in the event of a fall, Accidental disconnection of peripherals or breakage of cables or connectors.

OKIPOS S2 works with the Windows Posready operating system, based on Windows XP and specially optimized for point-of-sale systems: supplied with the pre-installed license and a restore DVD. The device is fully compatible with the entire OKIPOS range, including printers, Barcode Readers, Software and cash drawers, in addition to having a two-year warranty.

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by • 1 Oct, 2012
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