The campaign 'And you without knowing’ of the UN, Inspirational Award 2012 Digital Outdoors
The Inspirational Awards Jury 2012 has awarded the Gold Award in the category 'Digital Exterior and Emerging Media’ to the campaign 'And you without knowing’ of the United Nations that, thanks to Callao City Lights and Telefónica, made the people of Madrid the protagonists of the initiative through the large digital screen installed in the Plaza de Callao in Madrid.
The VI Inspirational Festival, that organizes IAB Spain, has presented the Inspirational Awards to the most innovative digital campaigns and projects in 2012. Those responsible for more than 40 campaigns and digital projects have collected their awards during the 'Inspirational Night', The closing ceremony of the festival. The 'Take them to school' campaign’ from ING Direct, made by Ogilvy Spain, ha ganado el Gran Premio Inspirational en esta edición de 2012. El Grupo Mahou San Miguel ha sido elegido como mejor anunciante digital del año.
In addition, en la categoría de ‘Exterior Digital y Medios Emergentes’, el Oro ha correspondido a la iniciativa ‘Y tú sin enterarte’ de la Campaña del Milenio de Naciones Unidas, innovadora campaña en redes sociales que pretendía dar a conocer los importantes logros alcanzados en la lucha contra la pobreza extrema en el mundo en esta última década, que salió el 11 de junio a la calle para hacer de los ciudadanos los verdaderos protagonistas. Like this, en la plaza de Callao en Madrid, la enorme pantalla de los Cines Callao se transformó en un plató improvisado que captó a los peatones que se paraban a contemplar los anuncios de la campaña, convirtiéndolos en los protagonistas de la campaña, al proyectar sus reacciones y cómo donaban sus perfiles sociales en el momento, en plena calle.
For its part, el premio Plata ha ido a parar a la agencia digital Btob por su iniciativa #ganamospor, que consistió en un camión con una pantalla LED gigante que recorrió el pasado 10 February, por espacio de ocho horas, las principales calles del centro de Madrid con mensajes de ciudadanos en tiempo real emitidos en la red social Twitter explicando las razones del éxito del deporte español en los últimos años, as a response to the videos of winks of Canal Plus France that ironized about the results of the Spaniards.
last, the Bronze has been for the interactive campaign 'Stay with the good’ of the mineral water brand Bezoya, that in collaboration with the NGO Action Against Hunger installed at the end of July a bottle of more than six meters high in the Plaza de Callao in Madrid to bring water to the Philippines, An action he sought “Encourage optimism” In times of crisis. Like this, Every time the hashtag #quedateconlobueno received a new tweet, The water grew a little more until it reached the 4.000 Messages needed to build the two wells.
The Inspirational Awards jury 2012 has had the participation of Gonzalo Ferrero Español, director of Tanta Comunicación, as president. Carlos Holemans of El Laboratorio was also part of the jury., Chechu Lasheras of Zanox, David Ortega of Spotify, Jaime Cacharrón of Redbull, José Marín from TBWA, Red Pepa de Grey, Salvador Carrillo of Mobile Dreams Factory and Sascha Kraft of Shackelton.
Signage, by
The digital signage channel has collaborated with IAB Spain in the organization of this event, providing its technology by installing twelve e-plays in the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid that served to signal the route of the event and showed the programming of the festival and different entertainment and advertising content for attendees.
Within the workshop days of Inspirational 2012, Fernando Jimenez, Co-founder of, has given the conference 'Outdoor advertising: Welcome to the Digital Signage' environment, in which the experience of as a reference channel in Spain of this advertising format has been transmitted to the attendees that increasingly enjoys greater acceptance among advertisers and consumers. Jiménez spoke about the effectiveness of digital advertising from new technologies, accompanying your dissertation with success stories and examples in real time.
likewise, Cesar Garcia, Business Manager of Crambo Visuals, and Roberto Torres, Creative Technologist of Cheil Spain, have given a presentation on digital signage, in which they have stressed that technology and communication are closely related in the digital age. The change of technology and its democratization have allowed us to modify the way we communicate. Although the essence is the same (emitter, content, receptor), The shapes are now wider than ever. That's why, as Garcia has commented, "Technological integration is essential to create a success story".
One of the examples they presented was that of the virtual store installed by Tesco in the Seoul subway (South Korea), where the change in the way of communication can achieve considerable growth in the market. They also proposed applying technological integration to a traditional and mature sector such as vending.. Gracias al LCD transparente y una gran dosis de creatividad, el impacto puede ser enorme. Otro ejemplo que dibujó más de una sonrisa fue el de Emart. Mediante el uso de códigos QR y gracias a la originalidad de su aplicación, lograron aumentar las ventas en un 25% en una franja horaria tan difícil como el mediodía. Ante todo, como recordó Torres, se trata de evitar la frialdad de la tecnología, que el consumidor la sienta cercana y, por qué no, divertida.
En el mundo de la publicidad dinámica, Tie Blumer, director Creativo Interactivo de Wysiwyg, ha afirmado que “en una agencia de publicidad, las ideas están en todas partes, y hay que desarrollarlas antes de que llegue al cliente, anticipate the needs and have the necessary resources to carry it out". The first WysiLabs project was fortunate to have full freedom to create. The idea was that chocolate provides energy to work, but fattening. That's why, devised Brownie Escape, una máquina de vending que, instead of asking you for money, asks for calories. In order to get the sweet, You have to finish a tour that indicates a screen integrated in the machine.
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