Ingress is an alternate reality game, based on geolocation, that will be implemented in the American airports of JFK and Los Angeles thanks to the agreement reached between JCDecaux and Niantic Labs.

JCDecaux at JFK Airport

JCDecaux has been associated with Niantic Labs (Google) to implement the game Ingress in the American airports of John F. Kennedy and Los Angeles.

Ingress is developed by Niantic Labs and combines Google Maps and a virtual world to create an experience with an alternate reality game. (Alternate Reality Game – ARG), based on geolocation. The purpose of Ingress is to encourage players to leave their homes to participate in a game that materializes in the real world., with real people and on a global scale. The basis of the game is the idea that there is a mysterious and powerful energy that players have to fight and defeat..

"Ingress combines mobile and real-world gaming. Our goal is to enrich everyday experiences with mystery and fun, encouraging users to look for the unexpected. JCDecaux digital devices are already part of this experience", explains John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs.

more than 70 of JCDecaux digital devices, located in the main boarding areas of JFK and LAX airports, have been transformed into virtual portals that integrate with Ingress.

"Given the increasing convergence between outdoor communication and mobile technologies, it felt natural to partner with Niantic Labs as part of this innovative approach to social gaming based on geolocation.", Jean-François Decaux, président y codirecteur Général de JCDecaux.

With a traffic of 113 million passengers, These two airports will offer a new dimension to players, both current and those who participate in the future.

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by • 13 nov, 2013
• section: accessories, Digital signage, display, augmented reality