Two artistic projects, with the photographic image as the protagonist, directed in collaboration with artist Wim Tellier, is the contribution of Canon's imaging technology to celebrate the tenth edition of the international electronic music festival Tomorrowland.

Canon Tomorrowland2014

To celebrate the tenth edition of the Tomorrowland International Festival, the most important event for electronic music fans that takes place annually in the Belgian town of Boom and that this year lasts another weekend, of the 25 to the 27 July, The multinational Canon will contribute its graphic image technology for two artistic projects: Unity Portrait (Unity Portrait) and Floating Reflections (Floating reflections).

Directed by artist and photographer Wim Tellier, These two projects have been designed to pay tribute to the thousands of attendees who, from all corners of the world, come every year to participate in the festival.

Unity Portrait expresses Wim Tellier and Canon's artistic interpretation of capturing a spectacular crowd of people coming together on the main stage, freezing that moment in a single instant. Every day of the festival, that began over the weekend of 18 July, a Unity Portrait will be created, made up of thousands of portraits that are accessible for labelling and sharing on the Tomorrowland website.

From a technical point of view, The operation of this project has been a challenge, since a structure of 45 DSLR cameras (DSLR) Linked together, placed in a curve to cover the entire attendee area with maximum precision.

The other project, Floating reflections, is based on a growing exposure of floating photographs, that Wim Tellier will perform during the days of the festival, with the expectation of capturing some 150 Artistic Images, with dimensions of 1.50×1,50 meters and will be printed on the Canon iPF9400S large format system and decorate the lakes of Tomorrowland for visitors to enjoy in peace.

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By • 21 Jul, 2014
• Section: Audio, Events, Production