Grand Visual and The Woolshed create a shocking experience for the citizens of Sydney who see how a JCDecaux screen becomes, Through augmented reality, In 'The Eye of a Hurricane'. An experience that served to promote the premiere of the film Into the Storm.

AR promotion Into the storm

'In the eye of the storm' (Into the Storm) is the latest Steve Quale film to hit the big screen this September. This action and suspense film narrates the consequences of a series of tornadoes that devastate the town of Silverton.

In order to promote this film in the city of Sydney, the distributor Roadshow Films decided to create an experience that would impact its inhabitants and for this it partnered with Grand Visual and The Woolshed.

AR promotion Into the stormThe digital out-of-home campaign (Dooh) was performed using a 64 inches of plasma JCDecaux that for a few days became the eye of the hurricane. Through a muppy and augmented reality technology, the display impacted pedestrians with scenes that simulated the arrival of a tornado and the consequences it would have if it ravaged the street.

Passersby thought they were seeing a normal street. However, Street video footage was displayed on the screen., recorded in time, that were mixed with pre-created motion graphics. The goal was to create a seamless augmented reality execution.

Las secuencias incluyen escenas como un poste de luz que cae sobre un grupo de personas a través de la calle o un coche que vuelca en el aire y parece que va a traspasar la pantalla. At last, la tormenta llena la pantalla con los escombros que vuelan alrededor, coches volcados y edificios destruidos.


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by • 10 sep, 2014
• section: Case studies, display, augmented reality