The new ComfortClick visualization system for small tertiary buildings and homes, available through Jung for marketing in Spain and Portugal, It allows you to control almost all the devices in a home automation installation using smartphones or laptops, Regardless of the automation standard.

Jung ComfortClick for iPad

ComfortClick, what Jung Distributes exclusively for the Iberian market, Not only does it bring home automation devices together on a single platform, but also allows the exchange of data between them, so that it makes possible a real and unified control of the entire building or home to manage lighting, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, drapes, Blinds, Alarms, Multimedia equipment, Energy consumption, etc.

This system offers the control of these devices of a home automation installation through smartphones or laptops (Android, iOS or Windows), Regardless of the automation standard, since it integrates the main ones in the market, as KNX EIB, Modbus, DSC, Global Cache, IRTrans, XBMC, SMA Solar Technologies, IP Video Cameras, etc.

Jung ComfortClick controller

The offer is rounded off by ComfortClick Media Center, that enables the management of audiovisual content in an integrated way in the KNX automation system, while bOS Configurator (Building Operating System) It is a simple and intuitive application with which you can create and edit the control interface of the home automation installation. I

This application includes from user definitions (with different levels of authorization) to those of the devices, as well as logical functions of the 'if, then…’, Scenes, schedules, Presence Simulation, Consumption data recording (electricity, Water and gas) and even the graphical user interface itself. Subsequently, The user can configure their scenes, schedule or check energy usage, between a virtually unlimited number of functionalities.

Jung ComfortClick controller

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By • 21 Jan, 2015
• Section: Fully, Control, Business