Tarragona promotes its archaeological heritage with augmented reality and audiovisual techniques
The Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City Foundation and Digivision are carrying out a historical reconstruction project that aims to promote the archaeological heritage of the city using audiovisual and augmented reality techniques.
In July 2014, the Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City Foundation signed a collaboration agreement with the company Digivision to carry out different initiatives that aim to promote, study and dissemination of the Tarragona brand and the archaeological heritage of the city through audiovisual techniques.
The last action carried out in this historical reconstruction project has been the installation in the Voltes del Circ and on the ground floor of the Antiga Audiència of two screens that show visitors augmented reality images of the Roman Tarraco.
The images of this virtual recreation, that have been by the production company Digivision with augmented reality techniques, digitally reconstruct the main elements of the city of Tarraco as they were at the time of the Roman Empire.
In the audiovisual you can see the reconstruction of monuments such as the Circus, the Roman Forum or the Walls. In addition, thanks to digital technology, these reconstructions overlap the current locations of the city, with images shot in places like the Plaza de la Fuente, the Plan of the See or the Way of the Empire, allows for a greater understanding of local history.
likewise, in this historical reconstruction project, it also includes the realization of the documentary series of historical reconstruction Roman Engineering made with augmented reality techniques and digital media.
The series will consist of eight chapters of 55 minutes of duration each and Tarragona will be the protagonist city of the second episode, which will be dedicated to Roman cities. For the realization of this chapter has been made a digital reconstruction of roman Tarragona, with digitally reproduced images of Tarraco, that alternate in the montage with current images of the city.
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