With the integration of CobraNet functionality, the EN audio system 54-16 LDA Audio-Tech's NEO can expand the number of input sources to meet the needs of all types of sound installations.

LDA Audio-Tech incorporates CobraNet in NEO

LDA Audio-Tech has incorporated the CobraNet functionality in its PA/VA NEO system allowing to receive from the network up to 32 sources and take them to any of the zones of the system.

The EN system 54-16 NEO can expand the number of input sources to meet the needs of all types of installations, saving costs and, turn, providing the flexibility offered by audio over Ethernet.

LDA Audio-Tech NEOThe NEO public address and voice alarm system allows you to send the audio of any of your inputs over the network to any other compatible Cobranet equipment.

CobraNet is a network protocol that delivers high quality audio without digital compression (48kHz/24bits) in real time. Since the system does not affect audio quality, as it does not add any distortion while the sound is being transmitted, It has become a widely used protocol among a multitude of manufacturers.

LDA Audio-Tech NEONEO is a professional audio system with integrated DSP and 24 Digital audio bits per channel ensures sound quality in any area. This solution is complemented by LDA Dynamic Sound Ajust technology, allows you to dynamically adjust the volume of the sound so that the message can be heard clearly and intelligibly.

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by • 26 Aug, 2015
• section: audio, Signal distribution