With the premise that "innovation means making everything that the client's business needs a reality", Ivan Gonzalez, professional display sales manager of LG Electronics Spain, analyze in this video interview for Digital AV Magazine, its latest news that are shown in the showroom that the manufacturer has in the Madrid town of Las Rozas.

LG Showroom Ivan Gonzalez

The strategic vision LG Partner 360º, result of an intense work carried out in recent years by this manufacturer and based on technological innovation and the development of integral solutions, has a clear reflection in the systems that are shown in the showroom of its headquarters in Madrid, in Las Rozas.

This is what Iván González assures, professional display sales manager LG Electronics UK, in this video interview: "LG Partner 360º aims to provide customers with valuable solutions, working together with the network of distributors and integrators, to understand their needs and commit ourselves to the client in innovating with products that meet their expectations and really provide them with the elements that make the project different and add value to the global solution".

LG ShowroomThis innovation is mainly focused on the retail sector, being one of the verticals with more potential for the installation of digital signage systems. One of the solutions that are most being implemented is the videowall, and the company has developed the system with the finest frame yet on the market, of only 0,9 Mm, to deliver a seamless and truly eye-catching image, with integrated player and a precise calibration system for quick and easy adjustment

LG ShowroomLG's R&D also has one of its focuses on the development of 4K visual systems, "which offers an impressive resolution for screens of a certain size"; as well as in the environment of dynamic digital advertising, with the Mirror system, to offer conditional advertising thanks to the incorporation of sensors that provide valuable customer identification data, and systems for shop windows and exterior, as the XS2B series.

Effective data management (big data), with integrated beacon displays to interact with customers through their mobile devices; surprise with new display formats with ultra-panoramic vision, as well as the development of screens for room management and collaborative and meeting environments are some of the business proposals that González describes in detail below.


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by • 12 jul, 2016
• section: fully, outstanding, Digital signage, display, Signal distribution, interviews, formation, Dynamic advertising