more than 24.000 of its operators have been equipped with HoloLens glasses with which they can remotely see and identify the problems that these systems may present without having to move, and through Skipe make remote calls to subject matter experts to exchange holographic instructions.

thyssenkrupp and Microsoft Hololens

ThyssenKrupp, German company that focuses its activity on the manufacture of elevators, You are using augmented reality glasses to optimize the work of your maintenance technicians and make processes more efficient and safe.

Microsoft-HoloLensMore than more than 24.000 of its operators have been equipped with HoloLens glasses with which they can see and identify from a distance the problems that the elevators may present without having to move, and through Skipe make remote calls to subject matter experts to exchange holographic instructions. This allows for greater flexibility while meeting safety standards. In initial tests, the use of HoloLens has reduced the average duration of ThyssenKrupp service calls by 4X.

This implementation of HoloLens serves as a complement to MAX, a service resulting from an alliance between ThyssenKrupp and Microsoft, purpose-built for elevator maintenance that leverages Azure Internet of Things predictive analytics capabilities (Iot) to detect problems and prevent incidents

thyssenkrupp and Microsoft Hololens

This alliance goes back to 2014, when ThyssenKrupp was associated with Microsoft and the integrator CGI to develop this solution that securely connects thousands of ThyssenKrupp sensors to the cloud. With Microsoft Azure IoT Suite, ThyssenKrupp captures all elevator data, such as engine temperature, Shaft alignment, Cabin speed and door operation, and stream them to the cloud from a single dashboard. Solution provides technicians with diagnostic capabilities, as well as the visualization of real-time data of the alarms, that indicate an immediate problem, and events, that are stored and used for management.

Several landmark buildings around the world feature elevators that are already connected via MAX to the cloud, including New York's One World Trade Center. El edificio dispone de ascensores, capaces de moverse desde la planta baja hasta el piso 102 en tan sólo 60 Seconds, y las unidades regenerativas que convierten la energía que se produce cuando los ascensores se desaceleran en electricidad que se puede utilizar para reducir significativamente el consumo de energía del edificio.

thyssenkrupp and Microsoft Hololens

currently, more than 12 millones de ascensores transportan a mil millones de personas cada día. Se trata de un mercado que en Estados Unidos mueve 44.000 millions of dollars.

For its part, ThyssenKrupp Elevator cuenta con una base de 1, 2 million units, clientes en 150 countries and more than 50.000 employees. La oferta de la compañía incluye ascensores, montacargas, Escalators and moving walks, pasarelas de embarque de pasajeros, escaleras y plataformas elevadoras, así como soluciones de servicio a medida para todos los productos.



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by • 19 sep, 2016
• section: Case studies, augmented reality