Art and technology come together these days at the Barcelona festival to create a dynamic and creative composition in real time, inspired by the work of the Catalan genius and based on artificial intelligence and the Alchemy Language of this advanced system. A unique project carried out in collaboration with the New York design studio SOFTlab.

The installation that IBM has created in Mobile World Congress 2017, in collaboration with the design studio SOFTlab, It does not leave anyone who visits this event indifferent: a dynamic and changing work that pays homage to the work of Gaudí, which has been called 'the first thinking sculpture'.

An interactive sculpture created with Watson's cognitive capabilities after analyzing and visually recognizing hundreds of images and documents (Visual Recognition and AlchemyLanguage) of the creations of the modernist architect and his creations to detect patterns.

This combination of art, Science and technology in the form of a sculpture suspended from the ceiling identifies unique and repetitive elements in Gaudí's work, such as the shapes of hives and shells, color patterns and, chiefly, It brings the characteristic sense of movement of this artist.

To do this,, This unique intelligent and interactive installation analyzes and reacts in real time, with undulating and high movements through three different sections, in the face of the emotions that predominate in the tweets of visitors during the event, that can be followed using the Watson tone analyzer through the touch screens installed in the IBM exhibition space.


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By • 1 Sea, 2017
• Section: Case Studies, Display, Signal distribution, Events, Augmented reality, Simulation