The edition 2017 held in this country has relied on the specialist in audio and video services Buenos Aires Live Show for its technical production and equipment of the two main stages, in which it has used the K Series amplifiers from this manufacturer.

Summer Lollapalooza2017 powersoft

The American festival Lollapalooza has versions in six different countries, one of them Argentina, in which it has been held for four years and in which the local provider of technical services and sound equipment, lighting, video and stages Buenos Aires Live Show (BALS), Realize general technical production.

In this edition, which has been attended by some 200.000 people, this specialist has used the K Series models of Powersoft to amplify the different sound systems installed on the two main stages of the festival, since BALS uses this brand as an amplification platform for the Vertec system of JBL Professional for about ten years, "And always with very good results", The company assures.

Summer Lollapalooza2017 powersoftMetallica, The Strokes, Duran Duran and figures of current electronic music, as Martin Garrix and Oliver Heldens, among others, performed on stage 1, equipped with a J-Series PA system of the brand d&B Audiotechnik, with 36 All Access MTL subwoofers 221, which were powered by twenty Powersoft K10 amplifiers.

For its part, The Scenario 2 it had twelve JBL VT cabinets 4889-1 delay with six Powersoft K10 and two K8 amplifiers; another six VT4889-1 in side fill with three K10s and one K8, and six VT4889 enclosures for frontfill, with three K10 amplifiers and one K8.

DiGiCo consoles were used for control, Avid, Yamaha and Midas, according to the requirement of the engineers of each band. During the production of this event, The company has also had the support of Equaphon, Powersoft distributor in Argentina and Uruguay.

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By • 27 Jun, 2017
• Section: Audio, Case Studies, Control