El I Congreso de Tecnologías Fotónicas y de Imagen organizado recientemente en Madrid para proveedores y usuarios de esta empresa ha recibido el apoyo de los principales agentes de este sector, universidades y centros de investigación.

Alava Ingenieros imphocus2017

IMPhocus’17, que tuvo lugar los pasados 24 and 25 October in Madrid (more data in Digital AV) ha finalizado con éxito su primera convocatoria para proveedores y usuarios de Grupo Álava, donde ponentes y colaboradores de primer nivel de España y Portugal participaron con conferencias y mesas redondas en torno a las tecnologías fotónicas y de imagen, que se completó con una zona de exposición con las últimas innovaciones en este ámbito.

In this first edition, two scenarios were enabled attached to the central axis of the event for the conferences. In addition, in the central area, a specific thematic space was adapted for the exhibition of apps related to the world of photonics and image, where attendees could know in detail and assess the developments of companies such as Lector Vision, Álava Engineers, IRIS, Visiomatics, OptoSigma, Tescan and Arsoft.

Alava Ingenieros imphocus2017

As they point out from the company, "IMPhocus'17 has been a dynamic forum, innovative and, above all, of great professional interest to all participants". Thirteen companies (Riegl, YellowScan, Phaseone, Tescan, Trakka Systems, Raptor Photonics, Matrox Graphics, Basler, Photonfocus, FLIR, Headwall, Photron and TSI), industry leaders in their respective fields of business, have presented their most outstanding products to attendees.

Para José María Almazán, vicepresidente de Grupo Álava, “IMPhocus ha sido un evento cuidadosamente concebido y desarrollado entre todas las áreas involucradas de la empresa. Vimos una necesidad profesional de crear un evento de estas características dentro del mercado de la fotónica y de imagen. Hemos tenido la oportunidad y capacidad de poner en contacto a muchos consumidores con muchos proveedores en un mismo escenario, donde se han creado sinergias colaborativas de gran nivel de forma transversal”.

Alava Ingenieros imphocus2017

El mercado de fotónica e imagen no sólo es “un área de crecimiento exponencial y en los últimos años ha habido una evolución tecnológica creciente tanto entre fabricantes como en demanda de aplicaciones, but highly strategic for the Álava Group and of great commitment to the future", emphasizes Almazán.

In this line, Yago Sanchez, director of the Photonics area, Image and Nanotechnology of Grupo Álava, as well as responsible for the promoter and promoter area of IMPhocus, points out that "the expectations of visits have been higher than those initially raised and the public has been very participatory. This was our first event at the development area level. We thought that there was a gap in our country for its realization and that it was interesting to connect the companies related to our segment, create relationships between them and publicize their products among their users".

Alava Ingenieros imphocus2017

One of the areas of most expectation at the event was that of airborne systems. (Drones). Sergio Garcia Fernandez, product manager of Grupo Álava, "IMPhocus has been a success and exceeded our expectations, both in number of attendees and in the quality of them, with the visit of more than two hundred potential customers interested in this technology. Many contacts have been generated that have known our wide portfolio of solutions".

For its part, Ricardo Azaustre, responsible for the Artificial Vision area at Grupo Álava, where they supply components (hardware and software) for integrators and machinery manufacturers using this technology (capture, scanning and image processing) for application in quality control and production industries, medical imaging, Etc; points out that during the event "we have obtained a very good response from both associates and customers, generating a very interesting and productive network. Artificial vision is a technology that is constantly booming and evolving, but we need more industrial fabric that provides suitable solutions in each case".

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by • 9 nov, 2017
• section: general