In the Control and Operations Center of Lucknow Metro Rail has been installed a videowall in 5×2, configured with Delta Display Laser Displays, offering Full HD resolution, as well as the Cube management software.

Delta Display at LMRC

Delta Display has provided laser videowall solution to the Control and Operations Center of Lucknow Metro Rail (Control Centre of Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation).

The Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation (LMRC) It is a government project that is being carried out to strengthen the city's transport infrastructure through a holistic system. Delta installed its latest and brightest solution on the market for this project.

The LMRC is the fastest high-speed project built in India. This is a Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) built to provide the city of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, An environmentally friendly environment, with two routes, from north to south and east to west. The North-South corridor begins in Amausi and ends in Munshi Pulia, with a total length of 22.878 Kilometers. The east-west corridor starts at Charbagh railway station and ends at Vasant Kunj with a total length of 11 Kilometers. Both lines intersect at Charbagh.

In the new control center has been incorporated the first laser videowall in India and has a configuration of 5×2 composed by Video Wall Cubes by 70 Inch. Delta's Laser videowall offer Full HD resolution (1.920×1.080) with high brightness uniformity (≥ 98%), wide viewing angle and real redundancy to match Lucknow Metro requirement. In addition, a driver has been installed to manage multiple inputs and the Cube control software provides accurate information on the status of the videowall at any point.

“The Operations Control Center (OCC) is responsible for managing train traffic and controlling stations. The videowall shows the dynamic status of each train, Real-time path and signal and the status of the power supply in each section of the line. Supply failures, if there were, are reflected on the screen immediately and LMRC operators can act accordingly “, an LMRC official said..

delta, with a strong global reference base in the railway industry, recommended its latest and most innovative display solution for monitoring operations at the Lucknow Metro OCC. Operations of the fastest building metro project will be monitored twenty-four hours a day on Delta's video wall to support train services and maintenance activities.

“Every day, Lucknow Metro Operations Control Center operators will ensure the safety of millions of passengers by constantly monitoring train speed, The signs, Station activities and power supply. With the help of Delta's visualization solutions, We are confident that passenger safety will improve and operators will respond promptly to emergencies.”, comment from the LMRC.

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by • 20 feb, 2018
• section: Case studies, control, display