As part of its expansion strategy and offering unique audiovisual and sensory marketing experiences, This innovative and creative space collects the latest technological trends available to customers, Partners and suppliers.

Trison digital experience lab barcelona

After formalizing the acquisition of the French specialist in digital signage solutions TMM Communication, which consolidates its position in Europe in digitalisation and audiovisual integration of physical spaces and customer experience (More information at Digital AV), The company from A Coruña Trison has opened a dynamic technology space in the 22nd arrondissement@, one of the most innovative in Barcelona.

This is how Alberto Cáceres explains it, CEO of Trison, "Barcelona, and the 22@ district in particular, are one of the best global showcases at a technological level. The Digital Experience Lab allows us to generate multiple synergies and, above all, to show the capacity for constant innovation when providing solutions to companies that seek to offer unique and personalized experiences to their customers".

Trison digital experience lab barcelonaTrison Digital Experience Lab is a futuristic space, Equipped with the latest technology in audiovisual integration and sensory marketing, showcasing creative and high-impact solutions, such as giant Led screens with immersive animations; Smart Fitting Rooms; Interactive mirrors; Data analysis tools using biometric heat maps; Gesture and facial recognition systems, as well as scent marketing tools (via Akewuele, its division specialising in the scenting of spaces and the creation of corporate fragrances), among other proposals.

Trison digital experience lab barcelonaAs the company points out, "Digital Experience Lab is a unique environment in Spain, creative and innovative, designed to show our customers, Partners and suppliers The latest market news. The opening of the Lab is part of the company's strategy to consolidate itself as a global leader in the space digitalisation sector".

Its inauguration, which was attended by numerous businessmen from Barcelona, was marked by a spectacular multimedia staging, which fused live and electronic music and projections on Led screens, and paid a particular tribute to the famous science fiction film Matches in the 3rd phase.

Trison digital experience lab barcelonaThis space replicates the experience of the online and offline world in a process of digital transformation, in which physical points of sale "continue to allow consumer loyalty to be achieved more efficiently. Integrating this type of technological solution allows a brand's online experience to be transferred to any physical space, achieving the feeling of Single-channel with the customer".

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By • 26 Oct, 2018
• Section: Case Studies, Digital signage, Display, Events, Business