Like the popular Avid Profile, This new console also has three fundamental components: A compact and ergonomic surface, a DSP Engine and a stage rack.

Avid S6L24C seesoundWith the same configuration as in the basic Profile system, the new S6L24C console from Avid, available in the Spanish market through SeeSound, is managed with Venue software, which offers full Show File compatibility on the same and with all other S6L systems, integration with Protolls and AAX plugins with HDX card (Built-in system).

The S6L24C console also supports the latest version of the Waves plugins, connecting via WSG card (Not included) and with a Waves server, so that the professional can import their show with Waves plugins and control them from the console itself.

The system loads the Showfile of a Profile quickly and easily by inserting the file into a USB, without the need to make any type of format change. Avid S6L24C accepts the Profile file directly, Keeping the mixture, snapshots, Output bus configurations, Plugins, Even Pachbay configurations.

At the request of Profile users, New features have also been included, as more Auxiliary mix busses (96 buses in E6L-192, 64 buses on E6L-144 and 48 buses in E6L-112); A surface and outdoor display to view channel settings and work with snapshots at the same time, among other possibilities.

It also incorporates Ethernet AVB and Dante network connection; a processor a 96 kHz for optimal sound quality, as well as;the iOS app (Venue I On Stage, Now Available).

The S6L24C system is based on a unified platform with the S systems&L, where everything is compatible with everything: Engines, Stages and surfaces, so that all hardware is fully compatible between systems, meaning that the system inherits functionality originally designed for superior S6L systems, thus maintaining the quality of all its components.

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By • 6 Nov, 2018
• Section: Fully, Audio, Control