The Italian manufacturer has developed this moving head, 100% Hybrid, that offers a powerful and versatile solution in the lighting market.

Claypaky Sharpy Plus stonex

Sharpy Focus Successor of Claypaky, the new Sharpy Plus fully hybrid system works with a light output of 330W, as a high-end system, thanks to the incorporation of the new Osram Sirius Arc 330W x8 lamp, capable of producing a considerably larger beam of light than the original model.

This new Claypaky moving head, brand distributed in the Spanish market by Stonex, offers great power and versatility that has a zoom between 3 and 36º, Capable of covering large areas or producing narrow beams.

Claypaky Sharpy Plus stonexWith a small and lightweight design (dumbbell 21,6 Kg.), Sharpy Plus is particularly suitable for use in medium and small stage spaces, and works in two independent modes. Thanks to the quality of the lamps Osram It manages to offer a power equal to that of other appliances with higher consumption, but with an economical price.

In Beam mode it offers a beam of 300.000 lux at a distance of 10 metre, projecting incredible aerial effects, Perfect for shows with a high visual load. In Spot mode, Effects are projected evenly.

The new Sharpy Plus emits unique colors and effects so far in a luminaire of its size. Thanks to its CMY system with three wheels, it achieves up to fifteen tones that, combined with its eight gobo wheels and its eighteen fixed gobos, They are ideal for illuminators and for all types of shows.

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By • 19 Dec, 2018
• Section: Fully, Accessories, Lighting