This system has been developed as a suite of ILDA programs, with various parts to cater for different types of laser show applications, in a simple and intuitive way.

Laserworld Showcontroller Tracer

The Software Package Showcontroller What it offers Laserworld It consists of five programs: Live, for easy live operation; RealTime, for timeline-based or multimedia laser show programming; PicEdict, for the creation of laser-optimized designs; Tracer, to convert pixel-based images to laser graphics (Logos, Drawings, etc.), and SGV-Tool, for conversion of vector-based graphics to laser-compatible files.

Laserworld Showcontroller RealtimeAvailable in two versions; Showcontroller and Showcontroller Plus, the latter also supports the Realizzer 3D visualization software and allows the visualization of highly complex laser and multimedia shows.

The Showcontroller licensing concept has been designed to keep costs low. The license is delivered in a dongle, so only one is needed to use multiple output interfaces (Dacs) from ShowNet LAN.

With Laserworld ShowNET LAN, it is possible to use the same interfaces with Laserworld Showeditor (free laser show software delivered with every ShowNet interface) or with Showcontroller. Both software products use the same type of signal transmission, thus offering more versatility.

Laserworld Showcontroller Live

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By • 21 Jan, 2019
• Section: Fully, Accessories, Lighting