Large auditoriums are committed to sustainable and efficient Led lighting
Stonex has been the company in charge of supplying the lighting material premium with the latest Led technology for which these large multifunctional spaces bet.
The lighting industry has been in a progressive transition to Led technology for years, whose many advantages are, among others, its lower energy consumption, Extended luminaire life and easier color selection.
Taking into account that spaces such as auditoriums have a large amount of lighting material, It is no coincidence that these are one of the pioneering environments to join this trend and begin to replace their lighting equipment with more modern and efficient ones..
In this sense, The electricity consumption with this technology is reduced by a ratio of 1 to 10 and the cost of air conditioning also decreases significantly thanks to the low heat emission of these appliances.
In the case of Palace of Arts (Palau de les Arts), emblematic scenic space in the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, its managers have recently opted for Led technology for lighting, with the deployment of sixty Source Four Par Pearl Led of the American firm Etc that have replaced the same number of units of their incandescent counterpart.
The duration of the light source of these devices (34.000 hours in front of 1.000 of incandescence), In addition to the possibility of changing the color temperature without the need for filters and the great energy savings they provide (going from 750W to 85W) They make them outstanding tools for use in multidisciplinary spaces.
The time that an illuminator or programmer invests in finding the exact color in the device is also reduced.. With the Led the gelatin system is replaced by a quick configuration through the control table; A feature of great value among lighting professionals who need to optimize their work to the maximum.
For its part, the Juan March Foundation has also decided to equip its auditorium with a large number of Led luminaires from the manufacturer ETC, whose main scenario works entirely with this technology from 2012.
Thanks to the good results obtained in these years, Those responsible for this entity have expanded this lighting infrastructure with 73 new Led devices from this same manufacturer, among which stand out the cuts S4 Led Lustr+, Source Four Led Series 2, Daylight HDy Sour FourLed Series 2 Luster.
For the lighting control, an ION console of the same brand has also been purchased., facilitating accurate and intuitive management of the entire installation, To which is added the savings in energy expenditure and in the fluidity of work.
Another example is the headquarters of CaixaForum of Madrid, which has inaugurated a new multipurpose room also equipped with equipment premium of ETC -both for lighting, with four Coloursource Spot units, as for control, with the Coloursource console 20-.
For its part, the auditorium of the firm Inditex has included a total of twenty-four units of Source Four CE Led Studio HD, Delivers high-quality white light for camcorder streaming.
All these spaces are already committed to material from major lighting brands such as ETC, Clay Paky or Ayrton, whose products it distributes in the Spanish market Stonex and that go through strict quality tests before being marketed.
In this sense highlights the warranty of up to ten years on the Led chip of ETC devices, that also guarantee up to 54.000 hours of light in its cuts Source Four Led and Coloursource.
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