Madrid Metro debuts Led screens with intelligent integrated traveler information system
The Community of Madrid has launched in the stations of Estadio Metropolitano and Aeropuerto T1, T2 and T3, a new digital intelligent information system for the traveler based on flat and curved screens with Led technology.
The new traveler information system that has just been launched by the Community of Madrid to facilitate mobility in the Metro de Madrid through screens with Led technology, has been installed in the station of Airport T1-T2-T3 and that today and until the next 13 december will receive with specific information to the participants who attend the Climate Summit (COP25) in Ifema, which is expected to be attended by more than 20.000 people.
The same, this system is also operational at the Estadio Metropolitano station, with a large influx of passengers when matches and events are held at the Wanda Metropolitano stadium. The Minister of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures of the regional government and president of Metro, Angel Garrido, has presented this initiative whose objective is to facilitate the transit of travelers in stations of great affluence.
"The uniqueness of these screens lies in the fact that they have the power and versatility necessary to adjust the messages to operational needs," Garrido said during the inauguration of the system.. In this way, provide useful information to the traveler and also contribute to speeding up mobility within the station and its surroundings, avoiding and relieving situations of saturation".
360º technology
The first two stations in which this technology has been applied have large screens in accesses, Halls, toll barriers, and have even been installed on systems with curved format in the columns, so far something unprecedented in Metro de Madrid, which allows to offer information in 360º.
The format of these high quality Led screens allows to offer content in two or four different areas, providing information adapted to the direction of travelers; have anti-vandal elements and have a system of monitoring and control of the status of the quality parameters of the emission (brightness and color) and the content issued to dynamically display the appropriate information at all times.
The system is integrated into a content manager enabled at the Central Control Post of Metro de Madrid, from where the messages will be broadcast, reporting in real time the direction to the corresponding platform, of the prohibition of passing, recommend the advance purchase of tickets, distribution along the platform or eviction, as well as incidents in the underground network, Etc.
The Estadio Metropolitano station has six Led screens installed inside and, soon, three other large format screens will be located in the exterior access. For its part, the Airport T1-T2-T3 has four Led screens inside and, also in a short time, a set of screens will be implemented on the ticket vending machines to provide information associated with these machines.
As this newspaper has been able to know, the company Roura Cevasa, through its R&D&I department, has made the digital signage of the airport station T1-T2-T3 and the Metropolitan Stadium, with furniture that houses circular digital elements and flat screens, that integrate the intelligent system of information to the traveler in real time Deneva DS of the specialist Icon Multimedia.
This new traveler information system is an investment of almost 400.000 euros and is part of the so-called Season 4.0, a global digital transformation plan "to maintain its high quality, offer new services demanded by customers and perform an efficient and effective management of the entire network according to the new times", point from Metro de Madrid.
Industry-Based 4.0, this digital transformation of the Madrid underground will involve both the stations and the control centers and will also mean new communications networks.
This was explained by the counselor Garrido: "at the Station 4.0 we are working with technologies ten years from now, such as cameras that calculate the saturation percentage of a station, that detect abandoned objects or warn of a person falling onto the tracks. Because Metro is not just transport: contributes to better communication, interaction and structuring of our society, with maximum energy efficiency and minimum emissions".
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• section: Case studies, outstanding, HIGHLIGHTED Case Study, Digital signage, display, Signal distribution, Dynamic advertising