For half an hour, lighting systems companies like Elation, Steal, and more have participated in the initiative #LightTheSky, in support of all key workers who are battling the coronavirus pandemic.


Lights pointing to the sky at night to honor all sectors on the front line to redeem the global pandemic by Covid-19 is the goal of the initiative #LightTheSky, originated by the Dutch lighting rental company MM Licht & Geluid, that has spread rapidly among other companies and sectors of the lighting sector throughout the Benelux region, including Curacao, in the Netherlands Antilles.

blankThe reaction to this initiative has been overwhelming, both by the events industry, especially affected by the pandemic with absolutely stop activity; like by lighting manufacturers, rental companies and even individuals, who have wanted to show with light, illuminating hospital facades, parks and the sky, support for all medical staff and other frontline service workers struggling to keep the population safe globally.

A wide range of lighting manufacturers, how Elation and Steal, have been represented with their systems through dutch rental company MM Licht & Geluid, that illuminated the sky southwest of Rotterdam with Elation Platinum HFX systems and other lights.

blank"We participated by sending bright rays of light throughout our region and illuminating our headquarters, of course with a minimum of staff- explains Maarten Alleman, by MM Licht & Geluid-. The idea was to do something that people could enjoy from home. As many of us are currently out of production work, we illuminate the sky and landmarks as a sign of solidarity and support for the heroes of our society, but also to everyone else who does their part, even if it's just staying home".

blankHeart-shaped light creations were also made with Robe's MegaPointes and Pointes systems, whose CEO has noted that "it is comforting to see the entertainment technology community engaged in actions like this and showing their support to all. By sticking together, we can help each other survive and meet the enormous challenges our incredible industry faces in the immediate and long-term future".

Actions of encouragement and support like these are being carried out around the world to stand in solidarity with society as a whole and help each other overcome the pandemic.

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by • 1 Apr, 2020
• section: lighting, Bless you