Studio Sound Service has been in charge of designing and technologically renovating the artist's personal studio, located on the outskirts of Lucca, in Italy.


Film and music mark the successful career of the well-known Italian composer Federico De Robertis, who has spent more than three decades in audio post-production on numerous films. Your small studio, located in the Italian city of Lucca, It has been completely transformed by the acoustic design specialist Studio Sound Service, relying on the monitoring of Genelec.

The renovation of this small and simple studio has been so evident, that the composer who until now called this space as Lucullus (The Crypt), It has also renamed it after the completion of the project as Aldilah (What does life after death mean?).

This is how Donato Masci explains it, Head of Studio Sound Service: "The control room was in a very narrow area, with skylights and a low ceiling. These three factors presented critical problems that needed to be urgently addressed. The room was also very complicated, as we couldn't add any treatment to the ceiling because Federico wanted to keep the natural light. At last, All the walls were made of concrete, which created a significant effect.".

blankTo solve all these challenges, "We designed a complete acoustic treatment, starting with a new concrete and masonry front wall that we have mounted on, Ground level, two Genelec Smart Active Main Monitors 1237 -specifies Masci-. The front wall and floor are the only solid surfaces, as the rest of the room is constructed with absorbent materials. We also use some diffuser panels to improve low frequency absorption and diffusion.".

This setup with the stereo 1237 Complete with an intelligent active monitoring system 5.1, Composed of five two-way near-field monitors 8240 and a single subwoofer 7370. In addition, Studio Sound Service has used Genelec's GLM software to configure and calibrate the system.".

Masci stresses that "the GLM is critical when the monitors are mounted on a solid wall; in this case, Low frequencies were elevated: until 12 Db, but the GLM controls the effect perfectly. In an environment like Aldilà, With so many challenges, This software is a great help for fine-tuning.".

For its part, De Robertis underlines that "I love my Genelec system. At first it did change my work a bit; My ears had to adjust to having perfect acoustics and the perfect sound of the speakers, But the transition was easy. Sound definition and quality do not reflect changes across the entire frequency range. My Genelecs are the jewels of my studio.".

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by • 17 jul, 2020
• section: audio, Case studies