These solutions offer Ethernet connectivity from 1 and 5 Gigabit, and are part of a new cabinet product line consisting of two configurations: a videowall system that eliminates the need for Cabinet-to-Cabinet Ethernet cabling and a two-channel backup solution.

Novastar ST100-1G and 5G

NovaStar has announced the introduction of cabinet-to-cabinet video wall connectivity solutions ST100-1G and ST100-5G. These are characterized by incorporating the high-speed wireless connector of Keyssa.

The ST100-1G and 5G, offering Ethernet connectivity 1 and 5 Gigabit respectively, are part of a new line of wireless cabinet products integrated by two configurations: a videowall system that eliminates the need for Cabinet-to-Cabinet Ethernet cabling and a two-channel backup solution (cabinets that use wired and wireless connections simultaneously to ensure consistent uptime even in the event of a mechanical connector failure).

With the addition of Keyssa's innovative wireless technology, cabinet-to-cabinet connections are more reliable and secure.

"With our ST100-1G and 5G solutions, our customers don't need to worry about the stability and durability of mechanical connectors, which have always been a major concern for integrators. Keyssa wireless connector improves video wall uptime and reduces field assistance calls. This technology is changing the landscape of the Led videowall connectivity market”, comments Wade Wei, general product manager at NovaStar.

The technology that powers NovaStar's ST100-1G and 5G wireless products is Keyssa's KSS104M, a small semiconductor of 3×3 mm square, embedded beneath the surface of the cabinet… immune to water, dust or dirt, and capable of transmitting data to 6 gigabits per second when two cabinets come into contact with each other.

Unlike mechanical connectors, the KSS104M is solid state, which means there is no wear and tear and the average time between failures is measured in thousands of years rather than hundreds of insertions..

"Led video walls are a perfect example of a market in which the old mechanical connector does not keep up with. The connection of cabinets and Led display modules with technology that was invented decades ago will not adapt to the demands of the industry", clarifies John LeMoncheck, CEO of Keyssa.

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by • 29 sep, 2020
• section: control, display, Signal distribution, networks