The latest update to this manufacturer's amplification system management software provides integrators with the necessary tools for their projects through its dedicated Install Skin.


Developed to facilitate the management of audio systems Powersoft, the version 2.0 of its ArmoníaPlus software provides system integrators with the tools to easily manage and control even the most complex fixed installation projects.

This new version redefines what Powersoft amplifiers are capable of, delivering numerous new features and streamlining existing ones.

Although the Live Sound projects in ArmoníaPlus will maintain the same intuitive structure of the original version, those of Install System now reflect the needs of system integrators for the management of sources and zones of each installation, with the creation of fully customizable user interfaces and controls in the new Views Designer.

In addition to making fixed installation projects easier and simpler, HarmonyPlus 2.0 can now serve as the gateway to Powersoft's own world. When registering a copy, users can access the new MyPowersoft online platform through a single registration procedure.

Powersoft amplifiers are now capable of handling mono sources and zones, Stereo & Multichannel. This allows for decentralized system processing that eliminates the need for an external array in many applications, in addition to reducing the number of cable runs and thus making installations simpler and more efficient.


Any analog or AES3 signal can be converted to Dante and shared over the network using the Dante Matrix, which is now natively integrated within ArmoníaPlus 2.0.

The connection between the amplifiers and the Dante sources is only made when necessary, allowing for offline font creation and providing a lighter solution for systems that require this font selection.

HarmonyPlus 2.0 It also introduces a series of solutions aimed at remotely controlling the key functionalities of the system: Zone-level control, Source Selection and System Scene Selection.

Like this, in passive controls, both WM Level and WM Select can be shared over the network, meaning that a passive wall controller can connect to an amplifier via GPI and control the parameters of other devices on the same network.

Another solution is WebViews or View Designer, to create dozens of customizable user interfaces (Views) to control and monitor the functionalities of multiple sources and zones. They can be accessed from any mobile device with a web browser.

Powersoft System Control is a dedicated application that allows users to control their system views and quickly upload their ArmoníaPlus project designs to external amplifiers and controls. Setting up the app is also done in the new Views Designer.

HarmonyPlus 2.0 Also enter source objects, that feature individual EQ and gains and are used to define an audio source that can be dynamically patched to amps and zones. Fonts can be set to mono, Stereo & Multichannel (until 64 canals).

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by • 6 Oct, 2020
• section: fully, audio