This Spanish company, specialized in design and manufacture of flight simulators, Used los auriculares BPHS1 y micrófonos PRO70 en sus avanzados productos.

Simloc Simulator Audio-Technica

Especializada en design, producción y distribución de dispositivos de entrenamiento en vuelo tipo FBS (Fixed Base Simulator) certificados y entornos de simulación de realidad extendida (Xr) para los mercados civil y militar, Simloc es una innovadora pyme española, con proyección internacional.

El origen de la relación entre Audio-Technica y Simloc, una empresa obviamente ajena al mundo del sonido profesional, parte del contacto entre Jaime Valle, ingeniero de software y responsable de certificación, y Yusti Blázquez, respectively, que habían colaborado cuando el primero trabajaba para una empresa dedicada al equipamiento para simulación clínica.

Simloc comenzó a incorporar equipamiento de Audio-Technica en el primer trimestre de 2019. "Audio-Technica equipment is high quality and robust., at a very competitive price," explains Jaime Valle.. I must emphasize its robustness, Since this material is used constantly and requires good wear and handling behavior. and, naturally, because it covers all the technical needs of transmission and reception of audio for intercoms".

Simloc Simulator Audio-TechnicaThe answer that microphones and headphones suitable for a flight simulator must have, and make it as realistic and enriching as possible, “must meet a number of requirements. Ambient noise is important, Since there are many disturbing audio sources, such as the constant sound of the engines and possible alarms and alerts of the navigation equipment and protection of the flight envelope. The training lies in testing all possible failures of the aircraft and training the pilots for their correct reaction and resolution".

In this sense, The company needed microphones that picked up voice very well, but to reject all those noises and disturbances of the cockpit. "The BPHS1 headphones are perfect for this," he said.- Because its dynamic microphones offer a great vocal presence and a very effective attenuation of ambient sounds that, thanks to microphone directionality, are reduced to a virtual minimum, giving a clean and very natural signal".

In the case of the PRO70 the need was different, but no less important. "We needed a microphone of small dimensions to be embedded in the oxygen masks with which pilots train situations such as depressurizations or smoke in the cockpit.. At the audio level, It was also necessary to capture the voice of the pilots and reject all those aforementioned ambient sounds.. Thanks to its directionality of the microphone and the quality of sound captured, the requirements are more than met", Valle assures.

In this type of application, In addition to the sound it is necessary that the microphones and headphones offer other qualities. As this specialist points out, BPHS1 "look similar to conventional aero headsets, So the pilots don't miss them, which helps create a much more realistic simulation climate. In addition, A very characteristic feature and a great advantage for the required use is that the pole can be positioned in such a way that the microphone and the connection cable are oriented on the right or left side".

This is especially beneficial for simulation in airline aircraft., since the connection for the captain/commander comes from the left, while for the first officer it is from the right, so the positioning of the microphone and connection wiring avoids uncomfortable situations of crossed cables in front or behind the head.

Thanks to the small size of the PRO70 they can be incorporated into oxygen masks. "Its small footprint and a long cable for connection to the beltpack were perfect for driving the cable along the oxygen tube to the cabinet where the oxygen mask is housed", Says.

Simloc Simulator Audio-Technica

For the selection process of these equipment, tests were previously carried out with real aviation headsets, "But its high cost," says Valle- and the need to make specific amplification and capture electronic boards or buy real aircraft triggered the cost without providing any benefit compared to those of Audio-Technica".

currently, Simloc has twenty-two BPHS1 units and twelve PRO70 units installed in six simulators. The imminent delivery of more units is expected, as the company plans to expand its use. "The number of Audio-Technica devices is set by the number of communications devices that equip real aircraft," he points out.. Communications between captains are currently being simulated, First Officer and Instructor, adding extra equipment for a fourth occupant who wants to be present in the simulation (BPHS1). Two oxygen masks are simulated (PRO70), one for the captain and one for the first officer for communications in those training procedures that require it.".

Simloc's forecast is to increase the number of simulators sold annually, as well as the level of fidelity in what are called certification levels. "Some customers have already told us about the possibility of adding auxiliary microphones, such as pilots' handheld microphones and telephone (to talk to crew and passengers), as well as in the future, have booth microphones for recording sessions as a CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder), mandatory for real aircraft and is registered in the black box".

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by • 5 sea, 2021
• section: audio, Case studies, Signal distribution, simulation