Ventuz at Outernet London

Public space Outernet London, which will be inaugurated at the end of the year, you have used the Ventuz for your immersive Led canvas, composed of 2.260 m2 of screens.

Ventuz at Outernet LondonVentuz Technology AG has signed a technological collaboration agreement with Outernet Global for the creation of a large entertainment district, which will feature a large immersive Led canvas.

Outernet is a large global network of centers of culture and immersive audiovisual content, Designed to deliver entertainment experiences, Brand commerce and promotion. The London project marks the starting point for the creation of similar ones in New York, Los Angeles and other locations within Europe.

Outernet London It will open at the end of the year and will be the first public space of its kind globally. In this project, the Now building stands out, which contains a huge immersive Led canvas of 4 high plants, Floor-to-ceiling, Covering 360 degrees with 16K resolution. It is considered the most advanced of its kind worldwide. It is estimated that an average of 400.000 people will live this experience daily, destined to become one of London's tourist icons.

Ventuz at Outernet London"We are excited to collaborate with Outernet Global to bring the world's largest LED display project in central London to life, based on our real-time charting software, from the creation and authorship of the same to the generation of the final content", Says Ralf Stanke, the CEO of Ventuz.

With about 2.260 square meters of Led screens, audiovisual content for Outernet requires the simultaneous processing of hundreds of millions of pixels in real time. The company found the best technology partner in Ventuz Technology, with its real-time software solutions, that offer almost unlimited scalability and the creation and distribution of resolution-independent content.

"What we are building with Outernet is so extraordinary that it exceeds what is possible using the usual technological solutions. We have developed the best possible integration solution, that allows us to work in real time on 16K Led canvases and that provide the best immersive experience to our customers and the public. Ventuz's technology is the key to overcoming the technological challenge of displaying ultra-high-resolution content in real time in a way never seen before.", Explains Mike Whittaker, CTO of Outernet Global.

Ventuz at Outernet LondonFor Ralf Stanke , the most fascinating thing about Outernet's project is its innovative way of creating multimedia experiences based on immediate interaction with the audience, responding smoothly to sensors located in different locations of the installation, all combined with the freedom and flexibility required in any artistic project.

"This combination of artistic freedom and interaction with the audience, can only be achieved with an installation as advanced as Outernet, by using cutting-edge real-time image processing technology, and that goes far beyond what would be possible using video playback servers that work in a linear way", Stanke adds.

Ventuz represents a paradigm shift, overcoming the limitations of pre-recorded content playback and opening the door to the real-time generation of animated content in very high resolutions and that react with the audience instantaneously.

"It's exciting to see how Ventuz's hardware and software technology is used to deliver such a cutting-edge multimedia environment and such an advanced cultural experience to the general public," concludes Stanke.

Ventuz at Outernet London

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By • 17 Aug, 2021
• Section: Case Studies, Control, OUTSTANDING, Digital signage, Display