Pioneer at Joe The Juice UK

A digital menu board consisting of five screens has been installed in each store Samsung QM55R and rail B-Tech System X for vertical mounting. The content runs through the SoC and is managed by the Joe & The Juice.

Joe & The Juice hired Pioneer Group to work with your design agency and update the digital menu boards of your UK establishments, in total about thirty.

This is a chain of bars famous for their juices, Smoothies and coffees. They used static menu light boxes and decided to upgrade these systems and replace them with digital displays. It was an outdated solution that didn't offer the dynamism the brand needed to keep menus up to date and boost sales of certain items.

Joe and The Juice were looking for a company that would provide them with a complete tailor-made solution, to provide them with power installation and commissioning services, data, Decoration and AV.

Pioneer at Joe The Juice UK

Pioneer combined all of these requirements across its three main AV divisions, IT & Electrical Infrastructure.

Initially, Pioneer conducted studies of the different establishments to determine the size of the screens, Mounting options, Cable Routes, Energy, Data and access requirements. With multiple trades involved, Careful planning was required to ensure that the works could be completed in a single visit.

Due to the type of work required, Facilities were planned after hours to cause minimal disruption to stores, and all the work was completed overnight.

Pioneer prepared, checked the quality and commissioned all the hardware in its dedicated preparation workshop before installation to avoid any problems. The systems were packaged store by store and shipped to the. Weekly project meetings ensured that the project ran smoothly, on schedule and within budget.

Pioneer at Joe The Juice UK

The main digital menu board solution consisted of the mounting rail B-Tech System X and five screens Samsung QM55R By store. The displays were mounted in portrait orientation and the content runs through the system-on-chip (Soc) on QM-R Series displays. The content was managed by Joe's team & The Juice HQ.

“We have carried out several installations with Pioneer Group since launching the brand in the UK. Your ability to handle all AV jobs, IT and electrical makes them an obvious choice for us as a company. We have one point of contact and it means that work can be done quickly without any hiccups, allowing us to keep our stores open “.

Pioneer in Joe The Juice

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By • 26 Aug, 2021
• Section: Accessories, Case Studies, OUTSTANDING, Digital signage, Display