Infiled DF2

The new DF2 version, which is added to the interactive Led solutions for floors and dance floors of Infiled, features a lighter cabinet design and hollow frame.

The new interactive Led display DF2 of Infiled part of in-depth market research and development, based on the original DF series manufacturer's, to respond to current market demands.

Infiled DF2“We have modified the cabinet design over and over again, to make it as light as possible from the start of the project – explain indicate from the engineering team-. The new DF2 weighs less, with individual cabinets lighter and thinner, of solo 10,5 Kg. The secret lies in a new design of hollow frame, which also ensures easy installation and maintenance”.

This cabinet design or independent cabinet, along with a simple screen leveling method also contribute to easy installation, saving time and costs. In addition, the operation of the entire screen is not affected, as individual magnetic modules are removed for maintenance.

Infiled DF2Specially designed for use in soil applications, Infiled's DF2 series features a non-slip surface and IP65 rating to withstand dust and water.

When used in soil, the screen does not emit dazzling light so as not to disturb the user and offers a wide viewing angle, to which is added the integration of sensors to activate the interaction, especially on dance floors, games, Etc.

Although it is designed with lightweight cabinets as noted in previous paragraphs, DF2 series can withstand heavy load, such as high-intensity footsteps of numerous people and stage accessories, which makes it suitable for application in theatrical shows, science museums, event centers, dynamic advertising, Etc.

Infiled DF2

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by • 31 Aug, 2021
• section: outstanding, STOOD out in depth, Digital signage, display, Dynamic advertising