With the capacity to 170 people, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center auditorium (NCBC) now has a large Led videowall of the TVF series of planar, with pixel pitch of 1,8 Mm, which replaces the old projection system.

Based in Research Triangle Park, the North Carolina Center for Biotechnology is an economic development organization of the life sciences and the first biotechnology initiative sponsored by this American state.

NCBC Planar AVCONFounded in 1984, NCBC helps bring ideas to market, provides personalized studies and works to accelerate business development based on life science technology through innovation, marketing, education and economic growth.

recently, NCBC managers partnered with AV system integrator AVCON to carry out a technological update project of your facilities.

specifically, the update included the organization's auditorium, with the capacity to 170 people, equipped with a projector system that was at the end of its operational life cycle.

As he explains Frank Yarborough, President and CEO of AVCON, “moving from an older projector system, we encourage you to consider a videowall solution. We were confident that this would achieve a high-impact transformation for their space., as has happened”.

NCBC Planar AVCONspecifically, a large Led videowall has been installed, of 4 meters long and 2 high, of the TVF series manufacturer's planar, with a pixel pitch of 1,8 Mm (TVF1.8), in configuration 7×7.

“The new Led videowall really highlights and facilitates events in the auditorium, increases our relevance and offers a fairly obvious wow factor”, Ensures Sean Thegen, NCBC Audiovisual Specialist.

Planar TVF is a family of Led screens for videowall configuration, with fine pixel pitch of 0,9, 1,2, 1,5, 1,8 and 2,5 Mm. that allows a stackable and creative design, eliminating cabinet-to-cabinet wiring, reducing installation complexity and vertical alignment, that is done faster and easier.

the 27" cabinet of the TVF series of Planar have a profile of less than 3", which significantly reduces the space of other Led videowall, to which is added its front service to facilitate its maintenance.


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• section: Case studies, outstanding, HIGHLIGHTED Case Study, Digital signage, display