Nanolumens Captivate

Available in three HD screen sizes -120,150 and 180″, Nanolumens Captivate is a complete LED display solution for any organization looking for cost-effective options with easy integration.

With the aim of simplifying installation and facilitating user control, Nanolumens has developed Captivate, A solution dvLed Easy to integrate for corporate meeting rooms, Higher Education Facilities, Places of worship, etc.

Nanolumens CaptivateCaptivate is a complete LED display solution that eliminates the need for additional components, reducing installation costs associated with dvLED displays.

The series is available in three sizes (120, 150 and 180 Inch, With just 2″ depth and pixel pitch 1,38/1,73 and 2 mm, respectively); resolution Full HD, with 600 Nits brightness and a viewing angle of 160º horizontally and vertically, for maximum performance and image clarity.

Especially suitable for meeting rooms or any collaboration and meeting space, Captivate integrates HDMI inputs for easy system integration and has a display stand (optional) for your mobility.

Nanolumens Captivate

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By • 17 Sep, 2021
• Section: Fully, Digital signage, Display