Acciona mapping Alfonso X Toledo

Hand in hand with Power, last night the show 'Alfonso X' was inaugurated. The Precursor King', A video mapping that has been projected on the façade of the Primate Cathedral of Toledo Using 20 projectors 22.000 lumens each.

the Toledo City Council, hand in hand with Acciona Cultural Engineering, premiered last night a show of videomapping dedicated to Alfonso X and his legacy. This has been done on the façade of the Primate Cathedral, combining projections, light plays, 3D recreations and a soundtrack designed specifically for this event.

The multimedia show Alfonso X. The Precursor King, that will be repeated tonight and tomorrow with passes each time. 30 minutes, marks the beginning of the commemorative events that will be carried out on the occasion of the VIII centenary of the birth of Alfonso X El Sabio, and that they will last until the end of 2022 in Toledo.

Acciona mapping Alfonso X Toledo

The common thread of the videomapping montage starts from the National Library, From where, From books and works, the life of the monarch is revealed through all its facets, The Military, That of a conqueror, spiritual, poetic or musical, in addition to his contribution to literature with the School of Translators or his interest in astronomy.

The theme of the screening seeks to bring the figure of the Wise King to all types of public, 800 years after his birth. The narrator and common thread is a historian who breaks down through the resolution of riddles, the reason for the transcendence of the legacy of Alfonso X to Toledo and humanity.

Acciona Cultural Engineering has put in this project, which lasts twelve and a half minutes, knowledge, history and culture through audiovisual language and the use of multimedia technology.

The visual resources have been adapted to the architecture of the Primate Cathedral of Toledo, enhancing their morphology throughout the sequences by 20 video projectors 22.000 lumens each, which will be complemented with robotic equipment for aerial laser effects, and that they will accompany and emphasize the narrative discourse.

Acciona mapping Alfonso X Toledo

Videomapping in the Patio de Armas

Within the program dedicated to the VIII centenary of the birth of Alfonso X, Acciona Ingeniería Cultural has also been in charge of the videomapping that will take place inside the Patio de Armas of the Puerta de Bisagra. Designed especially for the youngest, its objective is to bring the figure of the monarch closer, from a playful and didactic approach, to the little ones.

The intervention, under the title Once upon a time there was a King, converts the interior canvas of the walls of the Patio de Armas into different scenographies projected with the technique of videomapping that serve as virtual sets to tell the story of King Alfonso X through three real actors characterized by the period.

The programming of the VIII centenary of the Wise King aims to be a popular celebration, close and accessible so that all the programming of the City Council is linked to the anniversary with Alfonso X as a vehicular element of cultural activity, playful and informative of the coming months.

Acciona mapping Alfonso X Toledo

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by • 1 Oct, 2021
• section: Case studies, lighting, projection