The UVM Medical Center is committed to Biamp sound masking
The installation of sound masking systems Biamp Cambridge Qt Pro has been initiated in an inpatient wing of the University of Vermont Medical Center and plan to continue throughout the building.
In order to implement a solution that would safeguard the private information of patients and help in the healing process, The University of Vermont Medical Center has installed Biamp's line of Cambridge Qt Pro sound masking systems, brand that markets AVIT Vision.
the University of Vermont Medical Center provides care to nearly one million city residents, as well as Upstate New York. Together with his partners from the University of Vermont School of Medicine and College of Nursing and Health Sciences, are the academic medical center of the area and a regional reference in tertiary care.
Providing an acoustically comfortable environment for patients means offering good customer service, while benefiting hospital outcomes.
U.S. law HIPAA requires healthcare providers to take precautions to ensure the protection of confidential medical information, including conversations between caregivers and patients.
In addition, the U.S. government system for consumer quality assessment in Hospitals and Health Systems (HCAHPS) provides scores to hospitals based on a number of criteria, as the 'tranquility of the patient's environment'. Hospitals with low HCAHPS scores risk losing government funding and having their reputation damaged.
Confidentiality and customer service
The center needed to implement a solution that would safeguard patients' private information and aid in the healing process..
At a health sector fair, Wes Pooler, Director of Facilities Management at UVM Medical Center, and Tim Hooper, co-owner of the technology integrator Connectivity Point, spoke of the value of adding a sound masking system to UVM Medical Center's hospital care facilities to make them more acoustically comfortable.
Sound masking is the process of adding background audio, low-level and discreet, to an environment in order to cover excess speech noise. This allows the affected environment to be more comfortable, private and free of distractions due to excessive noise.
The University of Vermont Medical Center has installed Biamp's line of Cambridge Qt Pro sound masking systems in an inpatient wing of the hospital. It has been equipped with small Qt emitters (Speakers) barely visible on ceiling plates throughout the space, including nursing positions, patient rooms and corridors.
These were connected via cables to a control module in one of the hospital's server rooms..
Biamp staff provided additional support for the commissioning of the system, to ensure optimal operation.
The hospital has observed a notable increase in the number of patients reporting that their rooms are always quiet at night in its HCAHPS surveys.. As an additional advantage, Qt Pro is an energy-efficient acoustic masking system, enabling you to deliver on your sustainability commitment. UVM Medical Center is installing the system on all of its patient wings.
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