Media One Italy Broadsign

As part of its Programmatic University education initiative, the specialist in digital signage BroadSign and the online learning platform DOOHX have presented a DOOH training and certification program for advertisers, agencies and media.

Sponsored by BroadSign, in collaboration with DOOHX, The new one DOOH training and certification program offers an online learning guide that marks the professional himself, includes video conferencing, reviews and questionnaires that focus on Traditional DOOH and Programmable DOOH, according to the statement of both companies.

Broadsign and CampsiteAs explained in it Brooke Ermogenis, director of Insight in DOOHX, “working with BroadSign we have designed our DOOH courses and pDOOH 101 to serve a variety of industry players, from professionals of Ooh recognizing the growing need for improvement in programmatic DOOH, to brands, Agencies and publishers working to perfect their offering”.

The program is designed for a flexible learning and open to all, “from those who are starting out to those who are experts in outdoor digital advertising looking to scale their programmatic business., from DOOHX we provide a simple way to become an expert in the industry, and we're excited to put it in the hands of the community with the help of BroadSign.”.

MMD Media and BroadSign at Eindhoven AirportThe pDOOH program 101 is divided into ten modules, each composed with up to four different sections, that begin with an overview, followed by a series of training videos and ends with a review and evaluation of the content.

Participants who have completed and passed each module with its respective sections will receive additional ongoing support and resources through the DOOHX Slack channel, including access to questions and answers, community discussion forums and knowledge from DOOH experts through blog posts and podcasts.

Among other topics, users who complete sessions will learn how pdooh works and the associated terminology; the challenges and opportunities it offers; the types of campaigns and planning, as well as execution and creative possibilities, targeting tactics, activation and data, along with best buying and selling practices.

BroadSign at Elan Media“Advertisers' interest in DOOH is increasing, especially with the future of third-party segmentation and the upward programmatic transition – says in the statement Edith Gagne, Vp. of programmatic environment in BroadSign-. However, barriers to adoption, largely educational in nature, have prevented the advertising industry from realizing the full potential of the medium”.

For this expert, “with initiatives such as Programmatic University and DOOHX give professionals all the tools they need to understand and make the most of a powerful medium and help grow DOOH's role in the larger digital advertising ecosystem.”.

currently, BroadSign provides digital signage to more than 425.000 supports along roads and airports, shopping malls, health clinics, transit systems, Etc.

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by • 22 Oct, 2021
• section: Digital signage, display, Signal distribution, formation, business, Dynamic advertising