Quividi AMP with face mask

Digital signage products from Axiomtek and the Artificial Intelligence of Quividi, next to its audience measurement platform, create experiences that increase shopper engagement.

Axiomtek and Quividi have collaborated together to help retailers and brands get the most out of their digital signage solutions, to try, Measure, monetize and optimize the content displayed on the screens installed in the store.

Combining Axiomtek's digital signage products with Quividi's Artificial Intelligence and audience measurement platform enables traditional retailers to create in-store communication experiences that increase shopper engagement, as well as sales.

Axiomtek DSP501-527

"We are pleased to integrate Quividi's smart audience platform with our signage playback products to address the challenges our customers face when developing and implementing smart retail communications through the use of signage technologies.", Says Irene Huang, Intelligent Retail Solution Business Development Manager at Axiomtek.

Quividi's real-time data generates personalized shopping experiences and increases conversion. "Through this integration, we provide excellent capabilities not only for retail, but also for the corporate segments, banking, transportation and hospitality in order to deliver valuable and engaging content to specific audiences", adds Huang.

For its part, Ivan of the Wall, Quividi's Director of Global Business Development explains how its solutions provide retailers with real-time, hands-on analytics. "With AMP Indoor and Outdoor, Quividi provides a measurement package that offers a comprehensive view of all retail audiences and helps target shoppers with the most relevant content to drive sales”.

Axiomtek DSP511

With fanless operation and compact size, digital signage players DSP501-527 and DSP511 by Axiomtek, compatible with Quidivi, are designed for in-store advertising and communication, allowing retailers to take advantage of retail media, artificial intelligence and digitalization to create engaging experiences for shoppers.

Retailers use Quividi data to understand and optimize the performance of their in-store communications and monetize the passage of their screens with advertising.

For indoor screens, Quividi's computer vision solution measures dwell time in real time, as well as the number of observers, the demographics of these and the attention span. For shop windows and outdoor screens, it also measures the number of vehicles passing by, broken down by type and color.

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by • 4 nov, 2021
• section: control, Digital signage, artificial intelligence, business