Photo Tuula Ylikorpi Vitamin AssemblyThe creative studio Vitamin, based in Valencia, has won Creative Tech’21 at the digital cultural festival Assembly, along with the National Opera of Finland, that will allow you to make your immersive project a reality in the show CircOpera 2.0.

Trained by designers, Artists, Producers, programmers and engineers, the creative studio Vitamin mix the art and technology to explore new fields and create unique artistic experiences.

the Finnish National Opera together with the digital cultural festival Assembly, last March they made an appeal to artists to propose creative technological concepts that would take the live show to new dimensions.

Mamen Lorenzo Mamen Lorenzo • 2nd Director of CLARA and Head of Digital Strategy at Web Femeninas at Grupo RBA 1 day • does 1 day ATTENTION! WE ARE LOOKING FOR EDITOR / WEB COORDINATOR OF COOKING / RBA Magazines My colleagues of Easy Cooking are looking for un@ web coordinator: It is required: -Experience in writing cooking content on and off -Management of social networks and viralization of content -SEO knowledge (Discover, Google Analytics and other tools) -Ability to coordinate teams Will be valued -Knowledge of web analytics (Google Analytics) - Creativity and proactivity Tasks and responsibilities -Search for topics -Coordination of teams -Adequacy of content (Recipes, present..) to the SEO criteria -Proposal of new ideas -Preparation of summaries You can send your CV to: webcocinafacil@rba.esThis competition to reinvent the traditional opera experience in the digital age culminated in the Assembly festival., with Vitamin and three other international finalists, invited to the Finnish National Opera to present their ideas and present a demo of their project to the jury, and in which the company based in Valencia was the winner along with the Violet Disruption.

The ceremony, held in the prestigious black box of the Finnish Opera, tolmi Hall, counted as judges with the main responsible for CircOpera, how Lilli Paasikivi, creative director; Jere Erkkilä, production manager; Mikko Linnavuori, lighting and projection designer, and Annastina Haapasaari, project manager.

In addition to the prize, Vitamin will partner with CircOpera to premiere the show in autumn of 2022 on the main stage of the Finnish National Opera and make the project a reality.

Photo Tuula Ylikorpi Vitamin AssemblyThe concept of the CircOpera show 2.0 is an experience that mixes opera, circus and immersive technology. The staging will combine acrobats, jugglers and other traditional circus performers with operatic arias, along with the immersive digital technology by Vitamin.

For this project, Vitamin has created Intangible, an interactive show that uses a transparent screen, 3D mapping and real-time visuals to generate a show that transforms the waves of movement generated by the dancers into 2D and 3D visuals.

In this way, the energy of music and dance allows to generate dynamic scenes which combine with other creative elements of the show to offer the viewer of all ages a truly unique experience.

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by • 16 nov, 2021
• section: Events, production