touchONE Avit Vision

In order to improve the user experience, touchONE introduced the new touchONE-assist and touchONE-overview features for room booking, resources and spaces, with improvements in management as well.

The European Brand touchONE, specialized in Reservations of spaces and resources, has presented the software enhancements touchONE-assist, that allows you to book any type of resource that you have in an office, boardroom, workstation, Etc.

touchONE Avit VisionAmong other novelties, Users can now search for, within the list of resources available for booking on touchONE-assist, based on various criteria depending on the resource selected. For example, Does the meeting room have a projector?? Does the parking space have an electric charger??

When a user searches for the resource they want, they can use the touchONE-assist mobile app to scan their QR code and automatically confirm the booking. If you don't, You can cancel the booking and have the resource released after a while if it hasn't been used.

touchONE Avit VisionIn addition, touchONE has added 'breadcrumbs’ to Floor Plans: The exact location of the area will be displayed above the map. This feature helps the user to find their way around better and verify that they have chosen the right area.

On the blueprints and timeline, touchONE has added a button with a question mark that explains the different colors of individual assets, so that the user knows exactly what resource is and in what state.

The touchONE-assist solution is available through user licenses, with two versions: touchONE-assist-room, for the reservation of rooms, and touchONE assist-workplace, oriented to the reserve of resources, as workspaces, desktops and the like, distributed in Spain AVIT Vision.

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by • 16 nov, 2021
• section: accessories, control