Voice Acoustic Venia

Designed with high coverage and homogeneous sound distribution, column speakers Voice-Acoustic Venia are offered in two full-range models: Venia-6 and Venia-8.

Voice Acoustic Venia 6The German manufacturer of high-quality sound reinforcement systems Voice-Acoustic leads with the series Approval the physics of line arrays to a compact column format. This consists of two full-range models: Venia-6 passive (4 from 6.5″ and 3 from 1″) and the bi-amplified high-performance column array Venia-8 (4 from 8″ and 4 from 1″), with a sound pressure of 140dB and 35 kilos of weight.

Each of the high-frequency drivers is coupled to a line array waveguide and produces a dispersion angle of 100° horizontally and 0°/-20° vertically, through a large horn.

The HF section of the Venia series provides vertically asymmetrical sound pressure coverage with a flat wavefront. The principle of larger line arrays is transferred to Venia speakers in a compact column format. High-frequency energy is grouped together to cover longer distances and the near field is covered by a curvature with a lower energy content distributed over a larger area..

Voice Acoustic Venia 8The result is a very balanced level distribution throughout the listening area with a very homogeneous sound distribution.

“With the Venia series, we have developed column speakers with a great coverage and a very homogeneous sound distribution. Thanks to the high performance of the Venia-8, this speaker can replace a small conventional line array system. This saves money on the purchase, time in assembly and disassembly, as well as in the start-up, and eliminates the possibility of misuse. In addition, the customer saves not only space but also weight during transport. On-site, Venia models can be integrated discreetly thanks to their slim design and rounded front. With X-Tension design support, the speaker also meets the highest aesthetic demands in mobile use”, says Stefan Rast, founder and CEO of Voice-Acoustic.

Both models are also available in self-powered version (Venia-6DDA and Venia-8DDA) and have analog signal inputs and outputs, dante, AES/EBU, AES67 and a network switch for integration into Voice-Acoustic remote control software.

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by • 19 nov, 2021
• section: audio