George Vlad Sennheiser

Los micrófonos MKH y los auriculares HD26 de Sennheiser son las herramientas esenciales del grabador de sonido George Vlad, specialist in capturing sound in remote places, in his professional work.

From recording winds in the icy mountains of the Romanian Carpathians to capturing the sounds of the Ethiopian desert in scorching heat., the microphones and headphones of Sennheiser, marketed in Spain magnetron, acompañan al especialista George Vlad in your work.

Como explica este expertosiempre me gustaron los sonidos. People were asking me why it was so important to me.. At the beginning of the decade of 2000 I was a DJ for a while. I was very excited about electronic music and producing my own music.. I realized I was more excited about the look of sound design than anything else.. After a while, I became interested in natural sounds. From there it was very easy to graduate to record my own sounds.".

George Vlad SennheiserMientras estudiaba en la Universidad de Edimburgo para obtener un título en diseño de sonido, Vlad también trabajó en proyectos para clientes, pero “estaba agotado y ya no era creativo. La mejor manera de arreglar eso era tomarme un mes libre en invierno”.

Vlad regresó a su Rumania natal y desapareció en las montañas. “Hice grabación de sonido y fotografía. No sabía lo que estaba haciendo, solo estaba probando cosas. Después de un mes haciendo eso, my creativity had returned and I swore to myself that I would never forget my mental well-being and my own time.".

From there, began to explore new places, such as Sweden and Norway, and in 2016 offered an artist residency in South Africa. "I made a lot of sound recordings there and started organizing my own expeditions to Africa., South America, Asia”.

The result of this is that he has specialized in exploring and recording the sound of the most remote and beautiful places in the world., and customers use Vlad's self-funded services and sounds, so that Hollywood film studios, game development and production companies like Netflix license their content.

"I was recording the sounds of the Erta Ale volcano in Dallol (Ethiopia) and it was a life-changing experience: listen to the boiling lava with my Sennheiser MKH 8060", remember Vlad.

George Vlad SennheiserBut heat isn't the biggest challenge when recording, how this professional continues: “estaba en Rumania para registrar fuertes vientos en las montañas por la noche con dos MKH 8040 and a MKH 30, but the wind almost disappeared and the temperature quickly fell below freezing.".

In this extreme situation, Vlab recuerda quelas baterías de la grabadora se agotan demasiado rápido o las perillas se congelan, but I've never had problems with Sennheiser microphones... in any external condition from -37° C to 49° C".

While location recordings often require innovative approaches, Vlad has a very unusual method to capture wild surround sound: "My favorite team to record is four. MKH 8020, placed around a tree. Sounds a bit cheesy, but it gives me the perspective of the tree listening to the environment in 360º. Of course, a tree hears nothing, pero si se piensa en los surcos y la textura de la corteza, it's kind of like a transreflection relacionada con la cabeza, like your nose, face and its contours. El sonido que rebota alrededor del árbol lo colorea de cierta manera”.

George Vlad SennheiserTanto es así que este profesional asegura queescuchar desde la perspectiva del árbol en la selva es mi técnica de grabación definitiva y la usaré siempre que sea posible. Low noise, Sennheiser's high build quality and excellent bass response 8020 are useful when recorded in nature; funcionan excepcionalmente bien en condiciones de humedad extrema”.

Vlad's next plans include an expedition to Antarctica in 2022, that you have been planning since 2019, plus trips to Madagascar, Sumatra or Papua New Guinea. "It's quite difficult to find repairers locally., but I will do my best and probably visit the country that eases COVID restrictions first.", Ensures.

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by • 9 Dec, 2021
• section: audio, Case studies