Toshiba Global Elera VS

Using the monthly fee model, Toshiba Global facilitates with Elera VS the implementation from scratch of a 360° solution for the store or adapt to businesses that decide to carry out their digitalization partially.

with Elera VS, Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions Spain (Toshiba Global) is ahead of its competitors to respond to the progressive return to establishments after the pandemic, as well as the new shopping habits and experiences (faster and with as little contact as possible).

Through a model of a monthly fee by point of sale terminal (POS), Elera VS allows you to implement from scratch a 360° solution for the store or adapt to businesses that decide to carry out their digitalization partially. It is a flexible solution to bring advanced technology to all types of businesses, regardless of your investment strategy.

Being developed natively in Windows, Linux and Android, Elera VS makes it easy to integration with virtually any existing trading hardware, protecting the investment and with the possibility of providing it with future capabilities, as sales and mobile payment modules.

The management platform of Elera VS includes a promotions and loyalty module own. All this allows businesses to optimize customer loyalty and their link to the purchase cycle: from payment to the edition of promotions at all points of the store, allowing you to create tailor-made commercial and sales strategies.

Toshiba Global Elera VS

Flexible commerce and profitable growth

Toshiba Global has developed Elera VS for different types of entities, since small chains to multi-brand environments and large surfaces with various departments, product categories or business rules, and is mainly oriented to food establishments and specialized trade (fashion, perfumery, convenience stores, electronics, toy store, Etc.).

This solution is already operational in more than 4.000 shops and 26.000 POS in Europe. concretely, Elera VS has recorded remarkable results in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Portugal and Greece. Proof of this is that it has allowed so much reduce operating costs, by management through a single supplier, how to increase the efficiency of business dynamics (payment agility, customer loyalty or cross-selling).

According to Toshiba Global, the advantages of Elera VS become more relevant, taking into account that the pandemic has changed habits in a public that has had to adapt to restrictions and distance purchases.

Now that the progressive return to physical shopping spaces is already a fact (this is what the preference points out as a preference 55% of consumers), this forces businesses to adapt their processes and facilities to the new reality and shopping experiences in a profitable and sustainable way over time.

Toshiba Global Elera VS

Solution ‘all-in-one’

With Elera VS, Toshiba Global offers an all-in-one ‘solution’ that allows a comprehensive and centralized control to provide or manage solutions throughout the establishment: sale of goods and services, creation of promotions and loyalty programs, reporting, marketing strategies or omnichannel purchase (integration with mobile apps and e-commerce sites).

With the aim of creating flexible shops adapted to each moment, trend or need, This new platform allows you to implement all kinds of business rules from a single location, according to a wide variety of parameters, as a type of establishment, brand, department, article, geography, taxation, language, Etc.

In addition, works on a wide variety of interactive devices available in store, such as POS, smart balances and self-healing devices, digital signage, electronic labels and terminals for the preparation of orders for e- commerce, with all remote management.

Among the modules included as standard, it has one of the most advanced systems in the loyalty market and promotion manager, that allows you to define a wide range of offers and promotions (points, Discounts, Coupons, Etc.), which can be activated by different criteria (expenditure, number of items purchased, means of payment, loyal customer, Etc.) quickly and easily.

In the monthly installment of Elera VS, Toshiba Global includes the solution, software integration services, commissioning, formation, as well as preventive and evolutionary maintenance that the business may need.

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by • 20 Dec, 2021
• section: fully, control, business