Mvix CMS

The version 3 of cloud-based software Mvix cms 3 focuses on comprehensive device monitoring. Incorporates a new interface available in more than 40 languages and new third-party integrations.

Mvix CMS is a cloud-based software, pioneer in the digital signage industry, which focuses on device and security system status management. The goal of this tool is to improve the user experience and make the management of digital signage safe and efficient.. Mvix has introduced a large number of functionalities aimed at managing networks of more than 500 devices with the CMS version 3.

New CMS software interface allows for streamlined workflow and far fewer steps to create and schedule content. Hosted on the Amazon AWS Cloud for scalability and reliability. Mvix CMS architecture ensures fast loading times and supports thousands of users and simultaneous signaling devices.

Mvix at Habitat America

With more than 18.000 clients, Mvix solicited feedback from customers with the intention of understanding market needs and providing a personalized software experience.

The new version, built from scratch, took more than 14.000 hours of development supported by an extensive beta testing period of more than 4 months. With more than a thousand professionally designed templates and 150 content app themes, delivers state-of-the-art programming and robust device management. The newest SaaS also provides an out-of-the-box NOC portal for enterprise IT departments.

Mvix DDaaS

“We are confident that this new version will extend the limits of digital signage to audio communication channels, remotely managed visuals and touches", says Mike Kilian, Executive Vice President of Mvix.

An innovative feature is a new status panel that reports real-time diagnostic data from devices to solve preventive problems for digital signage players. Customers will be able to detect problems before they arise, minimizing downtime with media players.

The version 3 is compatible with third-party hardware (BrightSign, Android-based players, mini PC and Raspberry Pi) and screens of all brands, resolutions and sizes.

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by • 20 Jan, 2022
• section: control, Digital signage