ClearOne in Color Art

Two Beamforming Microphone Arrays (BMA) and a Converge Pro DSP mixer 2 of ClearOne provide total audio capture to the interior design and integration company Color Art when you conduct your hybrid meetings and demos.

Meeting rooms, indoor solution provider training and demonstrations Color Art have been transformed into hybrid workspaces and collaboration, as a result of the pandemic, in which videoconferencing is an essential tool in their activity for employees and customers.

"Like many of our customers, we are maximizing the utility of our office space by creating multifunctional meeting rooms and higher education classrooms that leverage technology to respond to diverse needs throughout the workday or school.", Explains Mike Conway, Color Art Sales Coordinator.

The company, that already used the mixer Dsp Converge Pro 2 of ClearOne, also chose the audio and communications technology of this manufacturer for its project to create multifunctional rooms and spaces in its offices.

"With the installation of the beamforming microphones BMA of ClearOne and its DSP mixer Converge Pro 2 now we can capture the 100% of the audio in the room, with incredible clarity, he says.. Along with dual 4K displays, a laser projector and a control system, providing one-touch access and management, our training and meeting room offers everything we need with total reliability".

As a company specialized in the design of corporate spaces and classrooms for distance learning for higher education and installation and integration of equipment, for Color Art it was vital that their offices and rooms were equally at the forefront of technology., both to respond to their clients' projects and for their own daily operations.

ClearOne in Color Art"When we do a conference with customers or partners it is important that they can hear every word so that they trust our mastery of the latest business communication tools," Conway said.. For meetings in the room, training sessions and demonstrations, ceiling-mounted BMAs allow us to rearrange the space, no wiring complications, and ensure that, regardless of where people sit, your voice is clearly heard by all participants, face-to-face or virtual".

Beamforming Microphone Array is the first microphone system with professional quality beamforming technology, with adaptive acoustic processing and state-of-the-art acoustic echo cancellation from ClearOne, which also has an elegant design that integrates with any conference environment.

An element the latter also important for Color Art as more and more technologies are added to meeting rooms, offices and classrooms, in order to show the role that aesthetics plays in building a work or learning environment that fosters productivity and eliminates distractions.

Thanks to its ceiling mounting, The Color Art room has complete and reliable coverage with only two Beamforming microphone array units, helping to eliminate clutter and visual intrusion from other solutions that require up to ten microphones for equivalent coverage.

"We focus on educating our customers and knowing what their needs are., so we carry out an in-depth analysis to ensure that we specify the right components and systems for each project-underlines Conway-. The ease of use of BMA and Converge Pro 2 of ClearOne has made them one of our leading audio solutions".

In this respect, Conway stresses that "complicated products or difficult user interfaces are virtually guaranteed to sow distrust and discourage use., so whether it is our headquarters or a client's office or classroom, we prioritize products that simplify the user experience like those from ClearOne.".

Using your own office as an example, Color Art can now demonstrate to its customers and partners how technology can be easy to use and deliver concrete benefits for their bottom line and worker productivity..

"Today, many companies and educational institutions seek to create multipurpose spaces similar to the training and meetings we have in Color Art, so they can maximize options and optimize their use without the need for additional new construction," says Conway.. Rooms with a single purpose, that are only used one or two hours a day, are falling out of favor as technologies allow for greater flexibility and cost-saving opportunities, while improving the end-user experience".

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by • 8 feb, 2022
• section: fully, AV Conferencing, Case studies, Signal distribution, formation, Telepresence / videoconference