Exterior Plus manages X Madrid

In this shopping centre in Alcorcón, Exterior Plus has launched a digital circuit to bring brands closer to a young and sports-loving audience.

Managed by Merlin Properties, The Shopping Centre X-Madrid is characterized by its totally disruptive concept, No labels and oriented towards extreme sports, in addition to offering an important commercial and gastronomic offer. Exterior Plus has set in motion a digital circuit composed of 14 faces with the aim of bringing brands closer to a young and sports-loving audience.

It has more than 40.000 square meters divided into three floors and, currently, is the fashionable shopping centre in Madrid for its differentiating approach.

In addition to X-Madrid, the agreement between Merlin Properties and Exterior Plus also includes the advertising concession of other shopping centres such as Artea in Vizcaya, LaVital in Gandia or Tres Aguas in Madrid.

Exterior Plus manages X Madrid

In all of them, Exterior Plus will carry out a digitalization that will join the more than 3.000 screens that it already has in more than a hundred shopping centres throughout Spain.

"We thank Merlin Properties for the trust it gives us to manage these centers. They are all very visited spaces in their localities and X- Madrid, specifically, a very important reference and with which we feel totally identified due to its disruptive and innovative character", Explains Pietà Siegfried, Commercial and Marketing Director of Exterior Plus.

Exterior Plus manages X Madrid

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By • 24 Sea, 2022
• Section: Case Studies, Digital signage, Display