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According to the European consultancy Invidis, The Spanish financial investor Portobello plans to sell the stake of the 70% that it has in the Spanish digital signage integrator Trison, whose valuation by this company could be placed in 200 million euros.

In the autumn of 2021, The British financial investor Hanover Investors took digital signage integrator off the stock exchange Zeta Display, with a rating of almost 100 million euros. According to the data provided by Florian Rotberg, Managing Director of the consulting firm Invidis, Digital Signage Specialist, Trison would be the next company for sale, among the four main integrators of this market in Europe.

Max center necsum trison shopping centerThe financial investor Portobello Capital, based in Madrid and which holds the 70% of the shares of the Trison company, has appointed the Canadian investment group Canaccord Genuity as financial advisor for the sale of the Spanish integrator.

Trison operates worldwide as a digital signage integrator and has the Inditex Group (Zara), Fnac, Starbuck, C&A and Porsche among its most important customers. In Germany, the company is represented with a project management office based in Stuttgart.

Portobello entered Trison in the year 2017 as majority shareholder (70%) and now he is looking to leave after five years, According to the Invidis statement, in which it is stated that "as a general rule, Financial investors only invest in a company for a few years and look for an exit in time before the funds created expire".

Vienna Airport Brighsing Absen Tmm TrisonIn recent weeks, Portobello has called a competition among the main investment banks operating in Spain to select the financial advisor who will supervise the sale process. The group expects an assessment of 200 million euros for Trison, company founded in La Coruña in 1999.

In 2021, Trison's sales were around 60 million euros, with a gross operating profit (EBITDA) from between 14 and 15 million euros. An assessment of 200 million euros corresponds to an EBITDA multiple of 14x, According to Invidis.

The company employs 250 people and also works with 2.200 installers at 112 Countries, managing near 2.500 projects per year. From the entrance of Portobello, Trison has taken over leading integrators in France (TMM), Great Britain (Beaver) and the Spanish digital agency Necsum (More information at Digital AV).

On Trison's business calendar is his imminent involvement in ISE 2022, held from 10 to the 13 in Barcelona, where the company has offices, and important announcements are likely to be made in this regard.

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By • 3 May, 2022
• Section: Digital signage, Business