Swarovski Bureau Beatrice

The multimedia production company Bureau Béatrice has held a spectacular outdoor event for the luxury and jewelry firm Swarovski, with 82 Led screens synchronized with personalized 3D content.

A total of 82 Led screens, of different sizes and configured in landscape and portrait orientation, have served as a spectacular visual setting for the recent event 'The Night of Dreams', Organized by the brand Swarovski to show its evolution as a company linked with a story of reflection on Ramadan, in a shopping complex in Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia.

Swarovski Bureau BeatriceThe project, Made to measure for One night only by the multimedia company Bureau Béatrice, based in Antwerp (Belgium ) and offices in the Middle East, has managed to synchronize creatives 3D contents in the 82 Screens DOOH, for whose planning and execution they have collaborated with the regional team of the jewelry brand in the Middle East.

Swarovski Bureau BeatriceAs you pointed out, Kevin Alderweireldt, co-founder and CEO of Bureau Béatrice, "It has been a cooperative work with everyone involved that revealed the beautiful story of Swarovski that invites people to reflect on themselves and share the gratitude and kindness in 82 Screens, with a complex bespoke creativity developed for just one night".

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by • 30 May, 2022
• section: Digital signage, display, Events, business, Dynamic advertising