Gran Via Circuit

Gran Vía Circuit is a project that allows Callao City Lights assume the commercialization of the digital advertising screens of 4 of the 7 cinemas/theatres that are currently still active in that area of Madrid.

Callao City Lights, brand under which the exterior screens of the Madrid Cinemas Callao are marketed, has launched Gran Vía Circuit, the largest large-format digital circuit in urban environments in Spain.

Gran Vía Circuit was born after the agreement reached with Stage Entertainment, company responsible for the Lope de Vega and Coliseum theaters, and Immersive Recreations, responsible for the operation of the canopy of the Rialto Theatre, for the marketing of their respective digital screens. In the case of the Rialto, have just been installed at your entrance, replacing the hitherto existing advertising posters.

In this way, Callao City Lights assumes the commercialization of the digital advertising screens of 4 of the 7 cinemas/theatres that are currently still active on Madrid's Gran Vía.

This means moving from managing 2 Screens (those of the Callao Cinemas) to 15, with a total area of 460 square meters. It makes available to brands new locations that will allow them to reach the public that usually travels the Callao/Plaza de España axis, especially crowded for its tourist attraction, commercial and entertainment.

The Rialto Theatre has just replaced the advertising posters, that until now was on its façade, by three high-resolution digital displays. The Coliseum Theatre has 3 on the façade and one that presides over the entrance; while Lope de Vega has 3 in the access and 3 in the outer canopy.

This project is presented as a new commitment to the great cinemas and theaters that are still open on Madrid's Gran Vía.

"With this commercialization we want to help theaters last. We continue to bet on innovation and putting in focus, through our initiatives, to Madrid's Gran Vía", Designates Josué Reyzábal, CEO of Conjunto Empresarial RDE, company that owns the Callao Cinemas.

Callao City Lights has already taken a first step with the placement of the two large digital screens on the facades of the Callao Cinemas in the year 2011, replacing the old posters that until then announced the films shown. Screens that were renewed by others of higher image quality in 2019 and to which since then new features have been incorporated to improve their exploitation, as 3D creativity, augmented reality, interactivity with social networks, mobile retargeting, live broadcasts or synchronization with other media in the square.

"Under the brand Circuito Gran Vía we are going to market some of the most emblematic theaters in the capital, in the middle of madrid's golden mile of outdoor advertising, between Primark and the largest Zara in Europe. A movement that will allow us to multiply the 5 millions of weekly impacts currently recorded by Callao City Lights screens", Says Gorka Pagazaurtundua, commercial director of Callao City Lights.

Cinemas Callao screen Callao City Lights

Callao Cinemas

The Callado cinemas have the largest viewing area in the area with the installation of two screens, one in Plaza del Callao and one in Gran Vía.

Built in 1926 by Luis Gutiérrez Soto, the historic building of Cines Callao is one of the greatest exponents of art deco architecture in the capital. It was inaugurated as a movie theater on 11 of December of that same year, with the broadcast of the film 'Luis Candelas, the bandit of Madrid'.

Its location is in one of the most commercial and activityful leisure areas of the center of Madrid; in the Plaza del Callao, the most visited in Spain and the third busiest in Europe (150 millions of people a year), behind Piccadilly Circus (London) and the Place du Louvre (Paris).

currently, in addition to offering cinema in its two theaters, the building is the scene of major events and film premieres.

Lope de Vega

The Lope de Vega Theatre has six screens. Three of them are located at the entrance to the theater (one at the bottom and two on the sides) and the others, bordering the outer canopy.

Inaugurated on 16 April 1949, specialized in musical shows. in 1954 a cinema screen was installed, becoming the Cinema Lope de Vega theatre, inaugurated on 12 of December of that same year.

Located at the number 57 of Madrid's Gran Vía, it has now recovered its original name and since 1997 is a benchmark of musical theatre on Gran Vía.


The tearo Coliseum offers 4 Screens, three in the canopy of the façade and one presiding over the entrance.

It was conceived in 1931 to be a place where all kinds of shows could be held, However, finally it was inaugurated as a cinema in 1932. Located in Gran Vía, 78, during the Civil War, functioned as a military warehouse, but immediately afterwards he would return to his origins to program new premiere films.

Over the years 90 became the property of Bautista Soler, who decides to recover the space as a theatrical hall, but it is not until the year 2000 when it undergoes a reform and becomes one of the reference theaters of the musical genre. The Coliseum Theatre is considered an 'asset of cultural interest' and has special protection.

in 2014, the theatre closes its doors until March 2017 in which the curtain rises again completely renewed, after a few months earlier Stage Entertainment assumed its management.


last, in the Rialto Theater are located 3 screens that wrap around the outer canopy.

Located at the number 54 of the Gran Vía in Madrid, this theatre was built between 1926 and 1930, by the architects José de Aragón and José María Mendoza Ussía, and founded by Antonio Ramos Espejo in 1930 as the Rialto Cinemas (between the years 1932 and 1934 it was called Cine Astoria).

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by • 8 Jun, 2022
• section: Case studies, Digital signage, business, Dynamic advertising