Infiled ISE 2022 Alex Tomas

Alex Tomàs, Sales Manager Spain at Infiled, details the manufacturer's next-generation Led solutions to respond to the main verticals of the market, como ha mostrado con los más de diez escenarios creados en Ise 2022.

Calificada como “un éxito total por la gran afluencia e interés del público” y con la satisfacción de celebrarlo en Barcelona, donde se ubica su oficina y showroom, the participation of Infiled in the recent edition 2022 of Ise no ha dejado indiferente al mercado por su variedad de propuestas en innovación visual Led.

Infiled ISE 2022 Alex Tomas

“Infiled trabaja y da respuesta a todo tipo de verticales, from the sports sector, to retail, corporate to outdoor and indoor advertising DOOH and more-explains Alex Tomàs, Sales Manager Spain of the company-. Now we are with a new product line focused on production for film and TV, through equipment for XR studios".

One of the advances in Led technology that Infiled has shown for the first time in the European market has been the WP series for indoor, with 4K resolution and a size of cabinet 16:9, flat or curved, "and a pixel pitch that encompasses since 0,9 Mm, for a highly optimized visualization especially for control rooms, where crisp and reliable viewing is required, until 3,1 Mm.", points out Tomàs.

As a creative and flexible design, the director of Infiled highlights the XII series, which offers the possibility of both configuring a screen straight, concave and convex on a single display unit, with different pixel pitch resolution and 30º angles, and that offers a very simple adjustment on the back of the screen.

Infiled ISE 2022

Production Solutions

One of the scenarios of the Infiled stand at ISE has been a XR studio, "which is starting to replace the classic chromakey -underlines Tomàs- por fondos basados en cabinets Led en suelo y paredes e incluso en techo, para producción de cine y TV y grabación directa en cámaras con fondo de entornos reales, lo que permite el presentador este siempre centrado en la acción”.

La implantación de esta tecnología “ahorra muchísimo tiempo y recursos en todo la parte de postproducción porque lo que grabas es lo que tienes -afirma- Es muy beneficiosa no solo en su aplicación en informativos, but in shoots where you need to move or change the image a lot, and with the Led cabinet you can do it quickly and without problems".

Infiled ISE 2022

The XR Study, of 3x3x3 meters, está integrado por dos paredes de fondo Infiled LX of 2,6 mm and a floor DFII of 3,9 Mm, driven by disguise, creating a fluid and immersive environment to replace traditional green screens and help reduce recording time in a 50 %.

Another of the great demands of the market and that Infiled offers are the transparent screens, with the system Titan-X, focused on the rental or rental sector, with pixel pitch of 8,3 Mm and transparency of the 70%.

Infiled ISE 2022

As Tomàs points out, “este sistema puede alcanzar configuraciones de hasta 28 meters high, con una estructura totalmente plegable y escalable -explains-. Every 9 metros se incorpora un trust de seguridad, por lo que es realmente fiable, además de soportar lluvia y viento”.

The transparent Led option in Infiled fixed installations is the AM series, with pixel pitch of 9,3 Mm, which can be used as a visual curtain to separate spaces, shop windows or even ceilings, Etc.

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