Zoo Amneville Bluebox Extended Optoma

The 3D holographic installation, carried out by specialists Bluebox and Extended in the multipurpose room of this French zoo, has twenty-four ZH406 and ZU1050 DuraCore equipment from Optoma.

Located in the French town of the same name, the Zoo de Amnéville it has some 1.500 animals of 360 species, in addition to a multipurpose room of shows with capacity for 2.000 Spectators.

Precisely in order to replace the show with live animals and promote their well-being, mainly with tigers, Dominik Zwerger, CEO of Prudentia Capital and owner of Amneville Zoo, proposed to use the creative potential of hologram technology, for which he contacted German specialists in this field Bluebox and Extended.

Zoo Amneville Bluebox Extended Optoma

"We were looking for more modern and sustainable solutions for the Amneville Zoo and found it very exciting to realize a holography project to create the largest hologram cinema in the world., so we joined with market leaders like Bluebox and Extended.", explains Zwerger.

To carry out this 3D holographic installation in the zoo's multipurpose room, Bluebox selected the projectors of Optoma, with the deployment of more than twenty-four teams ZH406 DuraCore and a holopantalla of 30×10 metre.

The holographs of the animals are presented in their natural environment to give visitors the feeling of how they really live.. Ten laser projectors are used for holography ZU1050 DuraCore, each with a power of 10.000 Lumens, with interchangeable lenses and WUXGA resolution.

Zoo Amneville Bluebox Extended Optoma

As he explains Jan Hendrik Berger, CEO of Extended, "We quickly put together a team to build the structure and network for the projection of 400 m2 on the back wall. The project required a team of twenty-five people and four weeks to complete.. The zoo helped us a lot with the content, para conocer cómo se mueven realmente los animales y con consejos para la implementación, which made it all much easier and more enjoyable".

Ten Optoma ZU1050 projectors are used for the show, while for the 3D cave, covering the back of the holographic projection, twenty ZH406 laser equipment from this manufacturer are used, with a smaller size, each with a brightness of 4.000 Lumens.

Zoo Amneville Bluebox Extended Optoma

Creating the world's largest hologram film show has become a major attraction for visitors to Amneville Zoo and placed it in the digital age. Optoma's ZU1050 and ZH406 projectors digitize the tiger show and delight the audience with grandiose high-quality holographic effects.

"Due to the positive experience with the first project in Roncalli Circus, our partner Bluebox decided to use our projectors again and the result is really fascinating.", Ensures Artur Demurchyan, account manager of Optoma Germany.

As the owner of this zoo, Dominik Zwerger, "This holographic show will absolutely inspire our visitors and help us lead 'the zoo in the digital age.'. We're working on more ideas to attract a bigger audience regularly with more shows.".

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by • 22 Jun, 2022
• section: Case studies, Events, projection, simulation